how to relieve heartburn? |

Synonymous with rich and copious meals, the holidays are soon coming to an end. What to do when you suffer from heartburn or acid reflux? Here are some reflexes and practical solutions to adopt.

Heartburn is caused by gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) which manifests itself by gastric hyperacidity but also by acid reflux. It is these lifts that cause burning sensations along the esophagus, discomfort in the chest and sometimes cause bad breath. Other symptoms may manifest as bitterness in the mouth or sore throat.

Prevention is better than cure

If you don’t want to experience heartburn the day after your holiday meals, a few preventive measures are in order:

First of all, as the holidays approach, try to avoid meals that are too rich and too copious, which may slow down your digestion.

During meals, also avoid, as far as possible, irritating foods such as strong spices such as cayenne pepper, nutmeg but also other foods such as tomatoes or citrus fruits.

Also be sure to limit your alcohol consumption and prefer still water during your feasts. Soft drinks can indeed sometimes promote reflux. Likewise, sodas that contain citric acid should be avoided.

What to do when heartburn is there?

There are several solutions to fight against heartburn, such as drug treatments, which work by forming a protective barrier above the acidic stomach contents.

Please note that these drugs should not be taken before the age of 12. As with any other medicine, read the leaflet carefully before use and ask your pharmacist for advice. If symptoms persist after 7 days, see your doctor. Finally, do not combine these drugs with each other. To find out more, see for example:

It also exists alternatives to drug treatment. The goal is to put your liver at rest and unclog it.

In the first place, hydrate yourself! Start your day with a tall glass and drink regularly throughout the day. This will dilute the acid in your stomach.

Vegetable juices (cucumbers, carrots) or lemon are also effective in relieving your liver. On the other hand banish the coffee which on the contrary will make it work and switch to tea instead.

Above all, think about get some fresh air and walk to prevent acidity from stagnating in your stomach

If you suffer from nausea, thearomatherapy can prove effective like using a few drops of peppermint. Please note that some essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women and children.

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