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[김예준의 일본 정보] Switch version ‘Pokemon Sword and Shield’

Zacian and Zamagenta from Pokemon Sword & Shield ⓒ Pokemon Sword & Shield Official Site

[휴먼에이드포스트] On November 15, 2019, Pokémon Sword and Shield, the 8th generation of Pokémon, was released. Sword and Shield is a work that contains euro DLC (download content) and the first raid battle max raid battle in the Pokemon series.

Max Raid Battle with Dymax wild Pokemon ⓒ Pokemon Sword & Shield Official Site
Max Raid Battle with Dymax wild Pokemon ⓒ Pokemon Sword & Shield Official Site

The stage of Pokemon Sword and Shield is the Galar region with a British motif, and the starting Pokemon are Grass-type, Cheerful Fire-type Flame Bunny, and Water-type Ulmeogi. Also, there is a place called the Wild Area. As you progress while earning gym badges, you can catch strong Pokémon or have a Max Raid Battle with other players by using Dymax in the Pokémon Den in the Shiny Den.

Dynamax is a Pokemon gigantic phenomenon that only occurs in the Galar region (including DLC ​​locations). When this phenomenon occurs, a change occurs, which is that the word Dai is added to the form and skill name of a specific Pokemon. Also, Dymax has a time limit. You need to write carefully.

Euro DLC Part 1 The Lonely Island of Gambit ⓒ Pokemon Sword & Shield Official Site
Euro DLC 1st Gamcloth’s Outlying Island. ⓒ Pokemon Sword & Shield Official Site

As a bonus, two DLC contents were added, and the euro DLC, Gamnot’s Lonely Island and Crown’s Snowfield, came out. The first episode is the remote island of Gamcott. The stage here is Gamlot Island and the story of becoming a disciple of Master and evolving a Pokemon called Chigoma into Uraos, using Dymushrooms to make Dymax use normal Pokemon or making tools using Uchiji robots, and Watts. It is possible to increase facilities using

Euro DLC 2nd Crown Snowfield ⓒ Pokemon Sword & Shield Official Site
Euro DLC 2nd Crown Snowfield. ⓒ Pokemon Sword & Shield Official Site

The 2nd Crown Snowfield is the first version of Peony’s first version of the legendary new Pokemon Fire, Thunder, Freezer Galar Legion Form, Birdrex and Regis Series Dymax Adventure catching the legendary Pokemon that comes out according to the version and then Dandel The Galar Star Tournament hosted by The Galar Star Tournament is a tag-along battle between the Gym Leader and the Named Trainer.

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