I swear by God Almighty to judge with justice.. State Council judges swear an oath (video)

“I swear by Almighty God to judge with justice,” the female judges of the State Council swore, today, Monday, while taking the oath and receiving the work, in the context of ensuring the support of Egyptian women.

State Council Women Judges

The State Council administration congratulated the female judges appointed in my position (Assistant Counsel, Category B, and State Council Representative), with Republican Resolution No. 247 of 2022, and wished them a successful judicial life in the State Council.

The Council indicated that in order to complete the procedures for their appointment, the following must be taken into account:

1_ Today, Monday is set as the date for taking the oath and receiving the work.

2_ Attendance in formal attire in a dark color.

3_ 5 recent personal photos (official uniform in dark color, plain white background).

4_ 3 photos of the national ID card (two sides – full size).

The following documents are to be completed before taking the oath:

1_ Declaration of financial disclosure (from the mail).

2_ Evidence that the resignation has been submitted by the judicial body in which you work as of the date of taking the oath and receiving the work in the council.

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