If you are of Spanish descent, write your last name and find out if you have Catalan, Basque or Galician origin

He last name It represents a whole story, not only ours, but also our family’s. And if yours has a Spanish origin, you must find out specifically what your roots are. It is that a surname with Spanish descent can be catalan, vasco o gallego. And to find out, here we bring you some recommendations, as well as a list with the 10 most important surnames.

When the Spanish colonizers arrived on our continent, they not only left us their customs and ways of living, but also different names and surnames that over the years were tied to our lands. Not only since the Conquest carried out in the 16th century did the old inhabitants begin to be given Spanish family names, but with the numerous migrations that took place later, the bond that unites both countries was strengthened, so it is common to have a friend or acquaintance with last name español.

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