Imel PC Wondering Why Veranosiliyana Can Know Sirajuddin’s Assets


Veranosiliyana also demanded Sirajuddin Mahmud’s assets, in which his son’s property was from his ex-wife, Had a PC. So is Imel also annoyed with Veranosiliyana?

Imel admitted, he was not upset. However, Imel was curious as to why Veranosiliyana was able to know Sirajuddin’s assets to which the child’s rights belonged.

“Oh, I’m not upset, just how come I know. I was wondering how I could know, but why did he demand it. So we’ll just have to wait and see what happens,” said Imel PC at the Brownis Trans TV studio, Thursday (11/8/ 2022).



Meanwhile, when asked whether he had time to communicate and ask Veranosiliyana, Imel admitted that he did not want to deal with the matter.

“No, I don’t know. (The matter of being used by Veranosiliyana) I have nothing to do with it,” said Imel.

On the other hand, for example, Veranosiliyana won and got the assets of the child, Imel admitted that he did not want to deal with the matter. For him, the most important thing at this time is that his son’s condition is fine.

“I don’t know, I don’t take care of that, the important thing is that my child is mentally awake. If it’s a matter of demands, that’s not my business. That’s right,” he concluded.

Veranosiliyana previously sued Sirajuddin Mahmud through his attorney, Sion Tarigan, to the Cikarang District Court. He accused Sirajuddin Mahmud Sabang of committing unlawful acts.

The lawsuit is registered under number 136/Pdt.G/2022/PN Ckr. Judging from the Case Tracking Information System, the lawsuit was filed on June 20, 2022.

In her lawsuit, the model from Yogyakarta also sued 4 building assets belonging to Sirajuddin Mahmud Sabang and material and immaterial compensation for a total of around Rp 17 billion.


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