“Immunity 11 (Immun11) has a miraculous effect on respiratory diseases | treatment of respiratory tract | respiratory disease patients | immune system

DisgustingCovid-19In fact, it is a respiratory infectious disease, we are“Why is the new crown virus afraid of immunity 11 It is mentioned in the article that “Immunity 11 and PLUS (hereinafter referred to as Immune 11)” developed by Dr. Guo Chunshan can prevent and self-healCovid-19Pneumonia and its sequelae are miraculous;respiratory disease, such as cold, fever, cough, viral pneumonia, bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis, etc.; there are also autoimmune diseases related to the respiratory tract, such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, which makes modern medicine helpless (IPF), is there any effect? There are very good results. Many patients switched to Immune 11 after seeking medical treatment from all over the world, and the effect was unexpectedly good!

Immune 11 (Immune 11) is not a medicine, but it has a wide range of effects on health, and it does not have the toxicity and side effects of general medicines, especially general chemical medicines. “Immunity 11 and PLUS Series” is audited and certified by the Canadian Ministry of Health. It has a good reputation among patients at home and abroad and is a reliable product.
Respiratory diseases are so common in this world, almost everyone has had respiratory diseases, some are acute, and many are chronic. There are two common causes of respiratory diseases: the first is caused by viruses and bacteria (viruses account for 80%, bacteria account for 20%); the second is caused by allergies and autoimmunity.

Two, “Immunity 11” Treat the respiratory tractdisease works miracles

(1) Treatment methods for respiratory diseases caused by viruses and bacteria:
Dr. Guo believes that it is better to treat respiratory infections caused by bacteria, because the cell wall, cytoplasm or nucleus of bacteria can be destroyed with drugs, and general antibiotics can achieve better therapeutic effects. But for respiratory diseases caused by viruses (including the new coronavirus Covid-19), general medicines are not effective. why? Because viruses are 1000 times smaller than bacteria. Its structure is very simple, that is, a protein shell wrapping nucleic acid.It doesn’t have any signs of life outside the human body and looks dead, but when it fools the human bodyimmune systemAfter successfully invading human cells, it will multiply and replicate in the nucleus, and then people will get sick. At this time, if the virus-killing medicine is used for treatment, the human cells will be killed at the same time, so the side effects are large, and large doses are not dared to be used, so these diseases are difficult to treat.
1. Let’s talk aboutimmune systemwhat is it
The immune system is actually the vitality (righteousness) of a person. The immune system consists of immune organs (bone marrow, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils, etc.), immune cells (lymphocytes, phagocytes, etc.) and immune molecules (cytokines, immunoglobulins, lysozyme, mucosal antibodies, etc.). Bone marrow and thymus are the central immune organs, they produce immune cells and teach immune cells to recognize their own cells and tissues. When the virus invades the human body, the mucosal antibodies stick to the virus, and the immune cells eat the virus, then convert it into protein, and send it to the bone marrow as raw material. About 80% of the virus will be eliminated in this way. Those viruses that break free from the mucous membranes and sneak into the human body cannot escape the “sighting eyes” of immune cells in the blood and tissues, and will be seen through and eliminated in the body. But when a person’s vitality is insufficient, the effectiveness of immune cells is weakened, especially for older people or people with underlying diseases; some people are not very old, but their immune system is naturally weak, or other reasons lead to immunity Low, these people cannot kill all the viruses when the virus invades, and the virus will multiply in the human cells, making waves, and people will feel uncomfortable and sick.
Here we want to specifically mention the key organ of the immune system – the thymus. The thymus plays a leading role in inducing the growth, maturation and differentiation of lymphocytes, and can perform immune surveillance. The size and structure of the human thymus will vary significantly with age. With the aging process, the thymus will gradually shrink or even disappear, which will affect the immune function and become one of the reasons why the elderly are susceptible to infection.

Products for the treatment of new crown-“Immunity 11 and Plus” series developed by Dr. Guo Chunshan, an expert in integrative medicineTreat the respiratory tractDisease-integrated medicine expert Dr. Guo Chunshan developed the “Immunity 11 and Plus” series

2. Immune 11 (IMMUNE 11) can strengthen the immune system and eliminate viruses
Dr. Guo once did an experiment, using two groups of mice, 100 in each group, with the same age and gender. One group of mice was fed with Immune 11, and the other group was not fed. Three months later, it was found that the thymus glands and bone marrow of the group of mice fed with immune 11 were enlarged. So this is why many respiratory patients who are caused by viruses recover after eating Immune 11, because the immune system is strengthened, the virus is eliminated, and people return to health.

Guo Chunshan, a medical expert who integrates traditional and modern medical concepts – the 16th generation medical family has miraculous effects in treating respiratory diseases

Dr. Guo was born in a family of 16 generations of Chinese medicine practitioners. He has received education from a Western medical university and has been in clinical practice for many years. He always likes to say this: the human body is a small universe, complex and exquisite, and the structure and function of the immune system cannot be replaced. So what Dr. Guo does is to mobilize and strengthen the immune organs and immune cells of the human body, so that these sentinels, scouts and large troops in the human body can remove and eliminate the virus in the human body, and the patient’s illness will be cured. The immune 11 developed by Dr. Guo contains a variety of nutrients that the immune system likes most, such as highly active beta polysaccharides (immune polysaccharides), adenosine, and active peptides are extracted from natural wild plants such as white truffles, black truffles, and five-color ganoderma. After taking Immune 11, the body’s immune system is well nourished, so the bone marrow and thymus are strengthened, and more and stronger immune cells are produced to eliminate the virus and restore the body to health.

(2) Treatment methods for respiratory diseases caused by allergies and autoimmunity:
The second type of respiratory diseases are caused by allergies and autoimmunity, such as hay fever, allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, etc. are all caused by allergies, while the relatively rare idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is caused by autoimmunity. Modern medicine can only treat allergies symptomatically and temporarily, but is helpless for autoimmunity. Many people think that autoimmunity is because the body’s immunity is too strong, and the immune cells think that there are too few enemies, so they simply treat their own good cells as enemies, so these diseases are reflected in the body. Western medicine usually gives patients hormones and other immunosuppressants to suppress the immune response, which actually has many disadvantages for patients. But Dr. Guo doesn’t think so. He believes that the stronger a person’s immunity is, the better, and there is no problem of over-immunity. Dr. Guo believes that autoimmune diseases are not caused by too high immunity, but by immune disorders. The immune system cannot distinguish between enemy and friend, and treats its own tissues as enemies and fights randomly. So as long as the immune system is adjusted to a normal state, the disease will gradually recover. Immunity 11 can not only enhance immunity, but also correct immune dysfunction.
Dr. Guo mentioned a Beijing patient suffering from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is that the lungs are like dry loofahs, and the alveoli that exchange gas during breathing become fibrous, and the patient has difficulty breathing. This disease is a worldwide problem. After this person got this disease, he took hormones and other immunosuppressants for a long time. Due to the serious side effects, he stopped taking the medicine twice. Later, he was lucky enough to use Immune 11. After taking it for three months, his condition improved greatly, and the fibers gradually turned back into alveoli. The patient stopped hormones and took Immune 11 exclusively. After half a year, the patient recovered. For health care, he continued to take Immunity 11 for two years, and he has been in good health and has not relapsed.

To learn more about Immune 11 (IMMUNE 11) for the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases and autoimmune diseases, please visit the official website “Miracle Nature”. You can see more examples and more details:

Of course, “Immunity 11 and PLUS Series” is far more than just treating respiratory diseases. Because this product can protect, regulate, improve and fully optimize the function of the immune system, it is a nutrient and protective agent for immunity, telomeres, and blood vessels, allowing them to get Sufficient energy and nutrition, improve immunity, prolong telomeres, and clear blood vessels, so it is good for low immunity, sub-health, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine, intractable insomnia, depression “plus link”, Helicobacter pylori infection, gastritis , gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, aplastic anemia, chronic leukemia, etc. have very good curative effect. It can also achieve physical fitness, delay aging, prevent and self-heal diseases. Welcome to buy online or consult by telephone.

1. Viral pneumonia
Mr. Ge from Toronto, 70 years old (self-report):
Ten years ago, due to my low immunity and poor disease resistance, I suffered from viral pneumonia every year for 4 consecutive years. As the age increases, the resistance decreases, and the condition becomes more serious year by year. When I first got sick, I went to see a family doctor. Because of low-grade fever, cough, and chest tightness (there was no dyspnea at the time), the doctor said after auscultation that it was just a thickened breath sound. The X-ray examination showed cloudless flake shadows, which were evenly distributed. The stipple shadow is smaller than sesame spots, and it is difficult to find abnormalities without careful observation. Because the family doctor has no experience in this field, he said I had a cold and prescribed some medicine. Three days later, the symptoms worsened and severe breathing difficulties occurred. The entire airway seemed to be stuffed, and it was very uncomfortable to suffocate. In fact, it was due to internal suffocation and hypoxia caused by gas exchange barriers. I felt like I was dying. Rolling around on the bed. Finally, I went to the emergency room of St. Michaels Hospital to see the emergency department. After various examinations, I was finally diagnosed with viral pneumonia, and the condition was diagnosed clearly.But here comes the problem again. At present, there is no drug that can effectively resist the virus.
Antibiotics don’t work. Therefore, every time the doctor has no effective medicine available, it is almost impossible to die. Since I used Immune 11, the result has completely changed: I took a large dose for three days and then the fever subsided, the cough and chest tightness were relieved, and the dyspnea improved. , all symptoms disappeared after a week. Since then, I have insisted on taking Immune 11 to maintain my body, and I will take more in winter and spring. Haven’t had a lung infection in years, haven’t had a cold, and I’m safe and healthy even during flu season. I am not worried about the new crown pneumonia epidemic in recent years, because I have immunity 11 to protect my health.

2. Pneumonia:
Mr. Liang, Harbin, 60 years old (self-report):
I have chest tightness and discomfort, accompanied by coughing and chest pain for three years. I can’t lie flat when I sleep at night because I can’t breathe. The CT scan in the hospital showed fluid in the lungs, but the cause of the fluid in the lungs has not been found, and cancer and tuberculosis have been ruled out. In the end, it was suspected that it might be caused by an autoimmune disease. Various medications have been used, but there is no improvement, and it is very painful. Introduced by a friend to take Immune 11, the effect exceeded my expectations: after taking the therapeutic dose for 3 months, all symptoms disappeared, and CT re-examination showed that all the hydrops in the lungs disappeared. I am very grateful to the inventor of Immune 11!

3. Bronchiectasis:
Beijing Mr. Xie, 51 years old (self-report):
I have suffered from bronchiectasis for nearly 20 years. I often have a fever and cough up pus-like sputum. I stayed in all major hospitals in Beijing, and the money was spent, but the cure was not good. In recent years, it has become more and more serious, and I have been admitted to the ICU every winter, and I almost reported to the Hall of the King of Heaven a few times. I know that this disease cannot be cured, and there is no specific medicine, so I can only live one day at a time. Once I sent a small post to tell me that there is a product called Immune 11 in Canada that is very effective in improving immunity. I sent the URL to me, so I decided to give it a try and placed an order to buy a course of treatment (8 boxes). Unexpectedly, this trial saved my life: after taking it for a week, I no longer had a fever, and after two weeks, I stopped coughing up purulent sputum. After one month, my breathing and coughing improved greatly, and after three months of use, all symptoms disappeared. I no longer go to the ICU in winter, but go to Hainan for vacation. In order to further improve my immunity, I used the treatment amount for another three months. After that, I often used the maintenance amount to keep fit and strengthen my body. I have been fine for two winters. I have introduced Immune 11 to many friends, Immune 11 saved my life, thanks to the inventor Dr. Guo Chunshan!

4. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis:
Ms. Wang from Beijing, a 58-year-old Japanese translator (self-report):
Ten years ago, I had to stop and rest for a while when I was walking because of long-term low-grade fever, chest tightness, and dyspnea, and it got worse year by year. Diagnosed by Peking Union Medical College Hospital as: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). After learning about this disease, I realized that this disease is a worldwide problem. The doctor told Xin that there has been no cure so far. I need to take long-term glucocorticoids for maintenance. The survival time is 3-5 years, but it is only 2-3 years from the time of diagnosis. So I was very desperate and thought the days were numbered, why not go to Japan and see if there was any other way. Due to work, some friends in Japan went directly to Juntendo Hospital affiliated to Juntendo University in Japan after making an appointment with the doctor (the number one in the top ten hospitals in Japan, and the Department of Respiratory Medicine is very famous). The result was very disappointing. The diagnosis given by the professor, The treatment and medication opinions are exactly the same as those of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, and the prescribed drugs are still immunosuppressants and hormones. Due to long-term use of hormones, facial edema, osteoporosis, decreased immunity, frequent colds and fevers. I have tried to reduce and suspend the hormone for three times. Every time I reduce and stop using it, there is a rebound. I can only increase the dosage of hormone again for shock treatment. As a result, the side effects are getting more and more serious. I was introduced by my relatives to use Immune 11 in the extremely painful situation. To be honest, I was a little skeptical at the time, but I didn’t expect that the fever would subside, the chest tightness would be relieved, and my breathing would improve after a month. After two months, the dosage of hormones was gradually reduced, and hormones and all other drugs were stopped after two and a half months. This time, there was no rebound after discontinuing the hormone, all symptoms disappeared, and the body gradually recovered. Half a year later, I returned to Peking Union Medical College Hospital for reexamination. The CT results showed that the pulmonary fibrosis was completely absorbed/disappeared. The treating doctor was very surprised: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (also known as Caiguabu lung) is an irreversible pathological change recognized in medicine. How can it be completely reversed and repaired within half a year? It has been 10 years since my idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis was cured. Since the cure, I often use the maintenance amount every year to maintain immunity and recharge my body. Now I am in good health, never have a cold, and don’t have any problems with my lungs. Thanks to Immunity 11 and the inventors for giving me a second life.

To learn more about Immune 11 (IMMUNE 11) for the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases and autoimmune diseases, please visit the official website “Miracle Nature”. You can see more examples and more details:

Responsible Editor: Jie Yu

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