In addition to controlling blood sugar, diabetic patients are advised to eat more foods containing vitamin B1 and B12 – Yespick – Hot News YesNews

In addition to controlling blood sugar, diabetic patients are advised to eat more foods containing vitamins B1 and B12

Nerve damage caused by diabetes is called diabetic neuropathy, which can occur in any part of the nervous system, especially the lower limbs. He also shared 4 common symptoms caused by diabetes:

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1. Anesthesia – early typical symptoms

The so-called peripheral nerve is the nerve tissue of the human body other than the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nerve is responsible for various sensations and movements of the human body, and also controls the internal organs of the human body, such as the heart and stomach. Therefore, once the peripheral nerves are damaged, many functions are affected and the symptoms are varied. In addition, the feet feel numb, seem to be wearing gloves, socks, or feel like ants are crawling, walking like stepping on cotton, and insensitivity to temperature and pain, sometimes scalds, cuts, and unknown after cutting. If the condition develops, serious problems such as diabetic foot will occur.

2, swelling – autonomic nerve

This symptom is characterized by a feeling of fullness in the stomach after eating. The food in the stomach is not digested and stagnates, which may cause nausea and vomiting, acid regurgitation, flatulence, etc. When autonomic neuropathy affects the bowel there will be diarrhea or constipation, or alternating constipation and diarrhea. Diabetic diarrhea is often not bacterial, there is no enteritis manifestation, and it can be identified by routine stool examination. However, autonomic neuropathy caused by diabetes is a type of peripheral neuropathy, which mostly occurs in diabetic patients with a history of more than 15 years. The most common symptoms are constipation, abdominal distension, and severe intestinal obstruction.

3. Pain – neuropathic

This symptom is characterized by spontaneous and induced, in addition to electric shock-like pain, there are also acupuncture, fire-roasting, tear-like pain, which are often induced by slight touch and seriously affect the patient’s quality of life. Neuralgia, on the other hand, is different from arthritis pain and headaches caused by colds, which are nociceptive pains, which ease as soon as the stimuli such as inflammation go away. Neuralgia is a memory formed by pain in the brain, and general painkillers are ineffective.

4. Sweat – abnormal sweating

Normal people tend to sweat all over the body, such as after hot weather and strenuous exercise. However, abnormal sweating caused by diabetic peripheral neuropathy is often half-body sweating, usually in the upper body and not in the lower body. This is derived from sympathetic nerve damage and is a type of peripheral neuropathy. Some sugar friends sweat as soon as they eat, because the sympathetic nerves are out of control after the taste buds are stimulated. There are also patients who will sweat when they wake up, which is also a manifestation of sympathetic nervous control. And abnormal sweating generally occurs in elderly and obese patients.

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