Information about Alosuf revealed for the first time

(MENAFN– Al-Anbaa)

Beirut – Pauline Fadel
There is no truth to what is reported about a decision made by the artist George Wassouf to retire after losing his eldest son, Wadih, and all the news that is published is nothing but guesses from the imagination, noting that a statement is supposed to be issued soon by Maya Matar, the legal agent for Wassouf, in which a lot of things are set straight.
In the meantime, Moazoun narrated in Wadih Wassouf in his Syrian town of Kafroun, his hometown, that the “Sultan of Tarab” George Wassouf is loved by the people of his town for his humanity, his generosity overflowing on them, and his keenness to provide them with the necessities of life, including food, electricity and heating, which makes the people of Kafroun from young to old They swear by the life of Abu Wadih.
In addition, information revealed by the media, Nishan, emerged for the first time, that Wadih George Wassouf suffered heart failure twice in a row while he was in the recovery room, saying that when he accompanied Umm Wadih to the room to talk to the resuscitation doctor, the doctor told her that her son was in a very critical situation, and when I asked him “How old does it mean”? His answer was: “Very, very, very, and you must prepare for the worst.”


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