Introductory Meditation “Following the Breathing Method” to adjust the body and focus on the mind! Simple 4 steps to get started with the old and the weak, women and children can learn|Health 2.0

Sitting-breathing method is mainly to capture our usual delusional thoughts. In the process of counting the ground, in addition to capturing the distracting thoughts of the mind, it also has the function of adjusting the body’s earth, water, fire and wind. The method is simple and easy. , the old, the weak, women and children can study.

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At the beginning of learning meditation, the easiest thing to come into contact with is the method of counting breaths. The method is simple, but in fact, it is not easy to count from 1 to 10 without any delusions and troubles. It is not easy to increase from 10 to 20, all the way to 108 The distracting thoughts between the in-breath and the out-breath gradually decrease, and the delusional thoughts tend to slow down. Over time, your own thoughts and breathing can cooperate, from coarse to fine, from fine to long, for a long time, you don’t know where to go, and you become more and more skilled. Condensation, gradually getting better, and then you can continue to practice the “accompanying” breath method.

The so-called breathing method refers to matching one’s own mind with one’s own breathing. The in and out of the breath can never be separated from the one’s own mind, and the heart-breath will never be separated and closely followed. Entering the nostrils, descending to the mouth, throat, chest, and heart, all the way to the lower dantian, the breath in the middle should not be forced, or any thickness, speed or slowness. All the way from the navel to the heart, the chest, the throat, the mouth, and the entrance to the two nostrils, the whole point between the breath and the breath is that one’s mind must go with one’s breath, and gradually Enter the right line of the law.

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Sitting “With Breathing Method” Breakdown Action Teaching

Benefit: Make your mind more and more focused and quiet, and your breathing will become more and more subtle like your thoughts. Gradually, you can clearly feel the length and thickness of the breath, and even the temperature of the breath; The coming and going can also be completely grasped, and if you go further, you will feel the state of comfort, lightness, and soft muscles.

1. Coordinate your heart with your breathing. The in and out of your breath can never be separated from your heart, and your heart and breath will never be separated and closely followed.

2. When breathing into both nostrils, pay attention to your thoughts. As the breath enters the nostrils, it descends to the mouth, throat, chest, and heart, all the way down to the dantian.

3. At this time, the breath of inhalation should not be forced, or any thickness or speed.

Fourth, when exhaling, it is also the original route, naturally and comfortably from the lower dantian all the way to the heart, the chest, the throat, and the mouth to the entrance of the double nostrils.

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◎ This article is excerpted from / “Qi Xi”Teacher Wang Xiewriting
◎ Image source / Shanwen Cultural and Creative Publishing House‧Dazhi Image / courtesy of shutterstock

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