“Intus is a Netflix that promotes physical, mental and emotional health through habits”

Considering the greater attention that has begun to be paid to the comprehensive well-being of people as a result of the growth of emotional and mental problems since the beginning of the pandemic, multiple projects have emerged that aim to manage this problem, and one of them is Intus, a web platform that already has more than 7,000 subscribed users in which you can find content focused on preventive health in work environments.

We spoke with Miguel Jaramillo, CEO and co-founder of Intus about how the platform works and how it can help companies by improving the quality of life of their employees. He also explained that they have articulated his proposal with the NFT raid.

As a result of what was born the idea of ​​creating this type of platform?
The company starts in 2021 after a process that I experienced after moments of depression in 2018, at that moment I began to look for many answers, I questioned many situations in my life and I knew that I needed to create a change, I began to invest in time, knowledge , psychologist, a life coach and I began to understand concepts such as living in the present, gratitude, awareness, self-love, service, values, not focusing only on doing and on having and forgetting to be.

How did you set up the project?
With Álvaro Hoyos, who is my partner; there is synchronicity, he is the son of the founders of Frisby, which is one of the leading companies in conscious capitalism and development of being, so there is a great fusion, respect, admiration and desire to serve which is a higher purpose.

We begin to create the conceptualization with three guiding values ​​that are: awareness as the starting point of the self, compassion, and service; and in order to honor the knowledge we have in Latin America, we have formed a team of experts who connect through language, because there may be great gurus from the United States but less than 20% of the population in Colombia speaks fluent English; and we decided to create an accessible content format between two and 10 minutes.

How does the platform work?
It has the same “Netflix look and feel”, what we want is to cultivate that learning through the structure of curiosity and experimentation with a platform like Netflix, Amazon Prime or Disney+. It can be said that it is a Netflix of physical, mental and emotional health that promotes preventive health to avoid stress, depression, anxiety.

It is also a tool for Colombian families, because just like with a Netflix account, by having a subscription, the family nucleus would also have access to the content with the email and password, which is cool because it means understanding that the well-being of a person he is influenced by his close circle.

What methodology do they use?
In health there are three great pillars, prevention and promotion, intervention and treatment; what we focus on is prevention. We work hand in hand with the preventive health model, which we have been developing around behavioral sciences with companies such as EPS and compensation funds, with a fundamental pillar that is habits, because one is the result of what one does repeatedly.

And to help cultivate mental, physical, and emotional habits, it is important to curate the quality of the content and the people who are there, that’s why the more than 23 experts we have at Intus are people who have written books, who have worked with people and companies and they do a great job holistically.

How does Intus work for businesses?
Each company has its particular needs, there are some that want to promote more mental health, others food, etc., so what we do is create a plan designed to measure. We work directly with the human resources area with the internal methodology of the teams and a culture of co-creation, for us competition is synonymous with scarcity, so we want to change that paradigm to one of abundance in which established companies want to work with startups like Intus to potentiate the knowledge they have and increase their capacities.

What companies have the Intus service?
We are working with Frisby, Colliers, Comfama, with Audifarma and we are closing new businesses, including a hotel chain.

How does the preventive health approach work in work environments?
All these resources that are in Intus, such as short videos focused on active breaks, help prevent events such as absenteeism in the workplace through behavioral sciences by leveraging habits; because, for example, in a company they can try to promote conscious eating because they need more energy and they give the worker an apple a year but it doesn’t work, because to generate a sustainable change in the eating structure, habits must be cultivated, and that is where we accompany .

999 NTFs were released on the OpenSea market at the end of August. We create several collections, those of a collection have the value of one ethereum and with this you get six months of subscription to the platform. It is digital art but it is also a “utility token”, it has the purpose of giving usability to art and technology to invest in you and your growth process.

At the same time it will be the key to the future in a metaverse that we are building to create the Intus Wellness School. As we see it, it is like the loyalty card of the future to enter with an avatar and explore the content of Intus.

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