“Israel Finds Deadly Mosquitoes Carrying West Nile Virus in Southern Negev Desert”

2023-05-25 17:40:52

(Xinhua file photo: People walk in a market in Jerusalem, Dec. 27, 2020)

JERUSALEM, May 25 (Xinhua) — A joint statement from Israel’s Ministry of Health and Environment Protection released Wednesday. Israel has found deadly mosquitoes carrying the West Nile virus. during the department’s regular random sampling in Jeruham and near the villages of Nitsana and Zde Boger, all of which are located in the southern Negev Desert.

The statement said heavy rains and high temperatures after the rain created favorable conditions for the mosquitoes to breed. He asked local authorities to closely monitor and take action to eradicate mosquitoes if necessary.

The environment ministry has warned Israelis that there is currently no vaccine to prevent infection with the virus. And the best way to prevent it is to protect yourself from mosquito bites.

In addition, the symptoms of this type of mosquito-borne disease range from headache, fever, fatigue, joint and muscle pain, red eyes, skin rashes. And sometimes there may be nausea and diarrhea. in the minority of cases Patients may develop brain infections that lead to paralysis, dementia, and even death. While sometimes some patients may have a serious illness that can be fatal.

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