James Webb’s Early Science… Humanity has ‘eyes of the universe’

Dr. Pontopidan explained the early science captured by the James Webb Space Telescope, including the Southern Ring Nebula. [사진=정종오 기자]

[아이뉴스24 정종오 기자] “The James Webb Space Telescope will provide images and achievements that will help us better understand the distant universe and galactic evolution, stellar systems, exoplanets, as well as our solar system.”

This is what Dr. Klaus Pontoppidan, Space Telescope Science Institute, presented under the theme of ‘Early Science of the James Webb Space Telescope’ at the general meeting of the International Astronomical Union held in BEXCO, Busan on the 3rd.

Dr. Pontopidan said in a televised lecture that day, “Astronomers as well as humans often ask ‘Where are we?’ It will provide a new perspective.”

James Webb launched last Christmas. Dr. Pontopidan, who emphasized that it was a special day, said, “On the day of the launch, it received a lot of attention, such as wearing a Santa Claus hat. did.

He emphasized that through this process, all 17 science modes have finally been declared ready for science. In the process, all possible risks were checked, such as whether the sun shield was working properly.

The Southern Ring Nebula, also known as the Planetary Nebula. [사진=NASA]

“Everyone was delighted the moment they confirmed that the James Webb Space Telescope was working properly in a lonely place 1.5 million kilometers from Earth,” he said. Dr. Pontopidan said, “We measured wavefronts every two days and showed that the James Webb Space Telescope works properly for the entire world.” “Finally, on July 12, We have come to the release of the first image for the

The first images of the James Webb Space Telescope, officially announced last month, consist of five images of exoplanets, star birth regions, planetary nebulae, galactic collisions, and deep space. It is known that the relevant team members met every day for six weeks and continued to discuss about the release of the first image.

Dr. Pontopidan said, “The James Webb Space Telescope is a telescope that uses infrared light and can observe even deeper space.

It was argued that it is possible to analyze even the composition of the atmosphere of exoplanets. He said, “Many questions will be answered in the future, such as distant universe and galaxy evolution, stellar system evolution, exoplanets, and the secret of the solar system. This has been confirmed,” he added.

/Busan = Reporter Jeong Jong-oh([email protected])



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