In the wake of the debate, which has been widely described as disastrous, former President Donald Trump and his supporters tried to explain the afternoon by publishing conspiracies about a “rigged” event, deeply misogynistic attacks on Vice President Kamala Harris and wild claims about the vice president’s earrings.
Within minutes of the conversation ending, a whole new plot emerged on X, focusing not on the content of what was said but on the earrings Harris was wearing.
It better matches this one
— Eben Plettner (@eben_plettner) September 11, 2024
“Kamala Harris appears to have been guided using headphones embedded in her earrings during ABC’s presidential debate against President Trump,” a pro-Trump disinformation account with more than half a million followers posted on X. Another major pro-Trump account also shared the conspiracy while the debate was still going on, and that post has been viewed over 5 million times.
The claim is based on the fact that the earrings Harris was wearing bear a passing resemblance to a pair of so-called “sonic earrings” sold on Kickstarter last year. “NOVA H1 Audio Earrings—the first and only wireless earphone built into a pair of pearl earrings,” reads the product description.
That conspiracy quickly won over Trump supporters Tuesday night as they tried to justify his poor performance. Numerous pro-Trump clickbait accounts on X and other supporters reshared the conspiracy, including Laura Loomer, a failed Florida congressional candidate and Trump colleague who traveled with the former president to the debate.
NOVA H1 Audio Earrings – the first and only wireless earphones embedded in a pair of pearl earrings on a gold- or silver-plated clip.
— The Truth About Vaccines (@TTAVOfficial) September 11, 2024
Throughout the debate, Harris deftly attacked Trump’s weak points — the size of the crowds at his rallies, his wealth — and the former president responded angrily, dangerously with inane answers and outright lies.
Trump’s responses were full of misinformation, including lies about abortion, the election and riots on Capitol Hill. He even resorted to promoting the false conspiracy about illegal immigrants from Haiti eating people’s pets in Springfield, Ohio.
— The Truth About Vaccines (@TTAVOfficial) September 11, 2024
“They eat the dogs. They eat cats. They’re eating the pets of the people who live there,” Trump claimed, echoing a baseless conspiracy popular on social media platforms like X in recent days and promoted by vice-presidential candidate and Senator JD Vance of Ohio.
That claim and many others were quickly tested and debunked by ABC News hosts and debate moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis, further infuriating Trump.
Almost immediately after the debate ended, Trump repeated the conspiracy about a “rigged” debate by ABC News that he had been promoting since last week.
“I thought this was my best Debate, EVER, especially since it was THREE ON ONE,” Trump wrote on Truth Social, where he tried to defend his claim that immigrants eat pets by sharing links to unfounded rumors.
However, many came to Harris’ defense, claiming that the earrings she was wearing were not similar to the Nova H1 headphones. In fact, some pointed out that it was Harris’ team that wanted unmuted microphones during the debate, but Trump insisted on mute. Others shared photos of Harris wearing the same earrings in previous appearances, claiming that she wears them all the time and they are not at all suspicious. One commenter noted, “I’m on team Trump, but these aren’t the same. It doesn’t mean it can’t happen, but they’re not identical.”
Despite this, opinions remain divided online, with some people believing the debate was rigged, while others are waiting for an investigation to clarify. Harris has previously worn similar pearl earrings, suggesting they were likely just a standard accessory.
Nice try community notes, but you’re wrong. As you can clearly see in this picture comparison the ball on the earring Kamala is wearing is quite large while the pearl on the Tiffany earring the “fact checkers” attached here is quite small. The earphone tech is in the fat ball.
— The Truth About Vaccines (@TTAVOfficial) September 11, 2024
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