Keep flies and mosquitoes away: the leaf trick

Flies and mosquitoes can make life difficult for us. To get rid of it, all the tricks are good to take. Spray, insecticides, bowl of vinegar and washing-up liquid, swatters, mosquito nets… Only one very effective trap stands out and it doesn’t require a lot of equipment, just a sheet of paper!

Repelling flies and mosquitoes with a sheet: the material required

Pour keep flies and mosquitoes away with a leaf, and effectively, here is the material required :

  • A sheet of A4 paper
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 3 tablespoons of honey
  • Some water
  • String

How to keep flies and mosquitoes away with a sheet?

Once you have gathered the materials needed to craft your fly and mosquito traphere’s what to do.

  • In a saucepan, pour the sucre, le Honey and theeau. Cook for 5 minutes over very low heat.
  • Cut the leaves into 3 lengthwise and brush them with your mixture.
  • Make a trou at the top of the sheet and place the string there.
  • Hang your sheets near the windows : mosquitoes and flies, attracted by the sweet mixture, will remain trapped there.

Other natural methods to scare away flies and mosquitoes

There are many products and 100% natural tips to get rid of flies and mosquitoes at home, but also in the garden. For example, you can pour a little white vinegar in a cup that you will place in strategic places in the house. Do not hesitate to install some fragrant plants, known to repel flies and mosquitoes: lavender, lemongrass or even the scented geranium, the mosquito repellent plant to have !

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