Khadija Omar…a multitasker and a tennis lover

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Jalal Baino

Lebanese tennis has achieved remarkable results in recent years. At the level of national teams for all age groups, especially the Davis Cup team, which proves the strength and intelligence of Lebanese tennis, and what Lebanon won against Monaco last week in the second world group, and its approach to returning to the ranks of the first world group, as the confrontation will bring it together. The upcoming match with Ukraine next February is only evidence of that. These successes are due to the Administrative Committee of the Federation, which has been chaired by Oliver Faisal since 2016, and to the game family that keeps pace with this beautiful sport.

In the midst of local and international tournaments held in various Lebanese regions, coaches, referees, players, game lovers, press and media men play a major role in the development of the tennis game. Among the people who are immersed in this game and who love it and practice it as a player, coach and referee is Khadija Omar, who has accompanied the yellow ball for many years and has been driving her motorcycle from Beirut to various Lebanese clubs to participate in a tournament as a player or to lead matches as a referee or to practice the profession of coaching. The most beloved game of tennis, which is appreciated by the game family because of its professionalism, professionalism and gentle manners.

Lawyer Khadija Omar is keen to implement the law in its entirety in her profession and applies the laws during the matches that she leads as a prominent transparent referee who judges fairly whether in her work as a lawyer or as a referee.

Those who follow Khadija Omar get an unequivocal impression of the extent of her perseverance, activity and dynamism, especially during the meeting between Lebanon and Monaco in the Davis Cup, where she was a spark of activity with her colleagues.

The smile does not leave Khadija’s face, even if she is not in a good mood. The laughter is always on her face and she responds to the call whenever the need arises.

What is remarkable is that Khadija’s means of transportation is the motorcycle she owns, with which she roams from her place of residence in Beirut towards all Lebanese regions and towards tennis clubs, while taking all means of public safety during her trip, on top of which is wearing a helmet, and she is the one who abides by the laws.

Khadija Omar is an example of a successful athlete, coach and referee in her work, with the hope that she will meetHer life partner, who loves tennis, rides a bicycle and sits behind her as they head towards the yellow ball courts.

Khadija Omar, all the best in your personal work, sports in general, and tennis in particular….

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