Le Nouvelliste | Signature, painting and music sale in Orlando, Ticket will be there

Signature, painting and music sale in Orlando, Ticket will be there

Posted on 2022-07-01 | lenouvelliste.com

Marcus Cadet signs this Saturday his work “Haiti and its systematic refusal to plan” in Orlando. After signature sales sessions in Port-au-Prince and in provincial towns, the young author landed in the United States. And for this first session in a foreign land, he will not be alone. “In fact, there will be a lot more than the signature sale itself. It will be a highly symbolic event with several elements touching our culture in almost its entirety. It will be an evening: literature-music-painting, etc. Actually during the event I will have to talk about my book and share with the public what I understand to be the real source of our unhappiness (with illustrations of course) and then I will have to sign some works for those who will make the trip”, he confided to our editorial staff.

Indeed, in the menu, the author specified that in addition to the signature sale, he will share the stage with Émeline Michel, Beethova Obas and the group friend. “Émeline Michel and Beethova Obas are two icons of Haitian music. Their presence says a lot about the event itself.

There will also be painting with Patrick Noze and, finally, we will have André Fouad (poet, writer, author, composer) with us as Master of Ceremonies”. Two other renowned artists will be there: Beethova Obas and Emmeline Michel. “They are also two constant artists who, not only have been singing for several decades for something to change in the country, but also have remained faithful to their value and their past. Together, they really symbolize everything that is beautiful, original and inventive in our music or our culture. From this point of view, the choice was quite easy and simple, ”he added.

“Haiti and its systematic refusal to plan” is the first work of Marcus Cadet, former student of the CTPEA. It is an essay in political governance dealing fundamentally with the planning, management and political economy of development. The non-systematization of planning or the systematic refusal to plan is for the author a ghost that haunts the main arteries of public institutions in the country.
“This phantom lays bare the major diseases of the Haitian chain of governance. It is heresy to think of being able to manage the country without any planning, in a society where everything is a priority and where resources are very limited, coupled with a failing capacity to mobilize resources, “he explained. .

Ticket will be this Saturday in Orlando to allow you to experience this rhythmic evening.

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