Local doctors broke 100 in 2 weeks and exposed “deadly habit” don’t do life-saving: virus survives for 3 days

The epidemic continues to spread. (Schematic diagram / TVBS data screen)

The Taoji cluster case has continued to expand. In the two weeks since the outbreak, the number of local cases in Yanshen has exceeded 100. Among them, the Xidi cluster case has more than 30 confirmed cases, and the spread of the virus is quite alarming. In this regard, Li Bingying, a member of the expert panel of the command center, bluntly said that this wave of epidemics is related to cold weather, and the virus can survive on objects for 1 to 3 days. At the same time, he also exposed bad habits that are easy to ignore, which may increase the probability of infection.


More than 30 people have been diagnosed in the Xidi cluster case. (Photo/TVBS)

Li Bingying pointed out in the program “Looking at Money in Times” that, taking the Xidi cluster case as an example, the confirmed cases did not have close contact or face-to-face, but why were they infected? He speculated that this wave of epidemics may be related to the colder weather, because When the virus leaves the human body in the summer, it may die in a few minutes, and there is no way to infect it through indirect contact.

Li Bingying further stated that when the weather is cold, the infectivity of the virus will also become stronger, and the virus can survive on the pollutants for 1 to 3 days. Direct contact between cases, as long as you are in the same environment, you may be infected.”


Li Bingying stated that she should not touch her mouth, eyes and nose for 24 hours. (Photo/Retrieved from “Looking at Money in Times” YouTube)

In the face of the severe epidemic, wearing a mask has become the basic standard for everyone, but be careful that this habit may also become an epidemic prevention problem. Li Bingying believes that there is one thing that is easy to ignore, that is, to touch the eyes, nose and mouth with hands, “don’t touch it for 24 hours”, even if you have washed your hands, because if there is a virus on your face, it will still be touched by your hands. It will be stained, so don’t use your eyes, nose and mouth. Now that the weather is cold, the chance of indirect contact transmission will increase.

TVBS reminds you:

In response to the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the CDC continues to monitor the epidemic situation and border control measures. If you have suspected symptoms, please call: 1922 hotline, or 0800-001922.

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