Lunar Grass: the futuristic concept of a lunar city with artificial gravity

At a time when the return of Man to the Moon is looming on the horizon, some are already looking further afield, by developing, among other things, futuristic concepts with a view to housing future colonists there. The entrepreneur Iwakichi Kajima, who runs the largest construction company in the Japanese Archipelago, has teamed up with researchers from the University of Tokyo to imagine the lunar habitat of tomorrow. Finally, more exactly, that of the next century, “as soon as possible”according to Yosuke Yamashiki, director of the SIC Human Spaceology Center at Kyoto University, who is the brains behind it.

The colonization of space remains a distant dream, but the researcher intends to take the rocket in motion. During of a conferencelast July 5, he unveiled the first outlines of this pharaonic project, the main specificity of which will be to establish a habitat equipped with a system of “artificial gravity”. Gravity on the Moon and Mars is respectively one-sixth (16.5%) and one-third (37.9%) of that on Earth. However, we now know that this can have adverse effects on human health.

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