Maeil Dairies, agency fair trade agreement evaluation ‘Best’

<img alt="매일유업이 2021년 대리점 분야 공정거래협약 평가에서 최우수 등급을 받았다. 사진은 매일유업이 지난달 대리점 가족을 상하농원에 초청해 가진 하계 휴가 기념촬영. 사진=매일유업
” src=””/>

Maeil Dairy received the highest grade in the evaluation of fair trade agreements in the agency sector in 2021. The photo is a commemorative photo of the summer vacation that Maeil Dairy held last month by inviting the family of the agency to the Sangha Farm. Photo = Maeil Dairies

Maeil Dairy received the highest grade in the Fair Trade Commission’s 2021 Fair Trade Agreement evaluation in the agency sector.

As a result of the 2021 agency agreement evaluation conducted by the Fair Trade Commission for 10 companies, one Maeil Dairy Company received the highest grade, one CJ CheilJedang received the best grade, and three E-Land World, Orion, and Namyang Dairy received the good grade.

Maeil Dairies was evaluated for establishing fairness in contracts by establishing and complying with detailed standards and procedures for the amount received and paid by agencies and contract termination as internal regulations.

CJ CheilJedang is operating a win-win support program, such as 50% of the purchase cost of a refrigerator (2.36 billion won), college tuition for the children of agency employees (130 million won), and emergency support for the number of elements (3 million won).

As a result of this evaluation, the FTC provides incentives for ex officio investigation for two years, corporate/individual chairman commendation for the best company, ex officio investigation for excellent results for one year, corporate chairman commendation, and good corporate chairman commendation.

The Fair Trade Commission is planning to hold a briefing session within the year to encourage the signing of the agreement for suppliers who participate in the written investigation of agency transactions to activate the agency agreement.

In addition, we plan to actively publicize the best practices of win-win cooperation with excellent evaluation companies as best practices for fair trade agreements and include them in the best practices book.

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