Man aged 71 tragically dies in work accident, drowned in water tank after accidental fall.

A tragic work accident occurred in a greenhouse company in Wingene, Belgium on a Thursday evening. A 71-year-old man fell into a water tank while checking the condition of a pipe. Emergency services, including a medical helicopter and firefighters, rushed to the scene to save the man. However, unfortunately, the man died at the scene due to drowning, as per the report by Flemish authorities.

A tragic work accident occurred this Thursday evening, around 6:30 p.m., in a greenhouse company in Wingene in the north of the country. While checking the condition of a pipe, a 71-year-old man fell into a water tank.

The medical helicopter and a climbing team of firefighters rushed to the scene to save the septuagenarian. Unfortunately, the man died at the scene. He died by drowning, indicate our Flemish colleagues.

Our thoughts and condolences go out to the family and loved ones of the man who lost his life in this tragic work accident. It is a stark reminder of the dangers that can be present in even seemingly routine tasks. Our hope is that this incident will serve as a catalyst for increased safety measures and awareness in the workplace, so that tragedies like this can be prevented in the future.

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