Manual of Critical Neurology in Spanish

The Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN) seeks to improve care for neurocritical patients with the publication of theManual of Critical Neurology for Neurologists”, a work that seeks to be an instrument of help in the care practice For any neurologist o resident to make guards or emergencies.

Los neurocritical care have as goal reduce mortality and the dependence of patients with serious pathologies that affect the nervous system. These patients are managed in a multidisciplinary way in tertiary hospitals, normally in specific units, such as stroke or intensive care units.

In this situation, the manual looks for empower the specialist neurologist to favor a multidisciplinary approachin addition to collaboration with other specialists in intensive medicine, anesthesiology and resuscitation.

The content of the manual, divided into a total of 25 PO Boxesoffers practical approaches, driving y monitoring of the patient depending on his disease. In addition, it comes to highlight some neuronal pathologies such as autoimmune encephalitis, acute encephalopathies or cerebral thrombosis.

Neuroimaging against stroke, a key chapter in the manual

One of the topics highlighted in the manual is the neuroimaging in stroke in acute phaseand the use of computed tomography is defended (TC) without contrast as the first step in the study to rule out bleeding and other space-occupying lesions that may clinically simulate a stroke.

Furthermore, in relation to hemorrhagic strokeinitial neuroimaging studies provide crucial information for the diagnosis of intracranial hemorrhagehow is the hematoma volume quantificationinformation on the etiology and prognosis on the possible expansion of the hematoma.

The end of life of the neurocritical patient

Another of the outstanding sections of the SEN manual is the End-of-life care for the neurocritical patientin which a series of phases must be carried out with the patient: considering the application of palliative care, assessing and confirming the prognosis, establishing communication strategies with the patient and his family and considering the adequacy of therapeutic measures are the first phases that the specialist must address.

He psychological and spiritual counseling It is another of the pillars that the neurologist must address. Psychological assessment requires time and benefits from the development of communication skills; the desire for spiritual assistance should be inquired if available. Likewise, the family will have to be accompanied at the time of the death and carry out active surveillance of the mourning process.

The Manual of Critical Neurology for Neurologists has been prepared by renowned doctors in neurocritical patient care, both specialists in Neurology and other specialties. In addition, a review of the main aspects and pathologies that make up the neurocritical diseases and it is the first manual in Spanish to be published with this approach.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend to the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a health professional.

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