Marvel Snap: How Collector Tiers Work to Get Cards

you play Marvel Snap and you don’t quite understand how the “collection level” works? Don’t panic, we’ll explain everything to you.

You know everything the good we think of Marvel Snap. You have even been given some tips for getting started under the best auspices. But this time, we go back in detail to one of the essential elements of the game, since it allows you to receive new cards: the collection level.

The Collectible Level in Marvel Snap

The collection level allows you to receive new cards: the more you progress there, the more cards you receive. To go up in levels, you have to improve the quality of the cards you already have.

This progression depends on the buff applied (and therefore the number of credits and boosters spent), as shown in the following table:

Card quality Collection Level Progression
Superior +1
Rare +2
Epic +4
Legendary +6
Ultra +8
Infinity +10

So if you upgrade one of your cards to its maximum, you progress 31 collection levels.

Beyond the new cards, we also get other rewards (credits, gold, etc.). How often ? In which order ? We will explain everything to you.

The rewards

First of all, you have to understand that the rewards depend on your level of collection. When you start playing, the game grants you a new card as soon as you progress two levels. This is obviously the reward we prefer. After level 14, you need to progress four levels to get a card. And so on…

Beyond level 500, the operation differs once more. You no longer necessarily receive a new card, but open Collector’s Chests (every eight to twelve levels). And the content of these is varied, with different probabilities of receiving this or that reward. We summarize everything in the following table:

Awards Probability
pool card 3 47,25 %
pool card 4 2,5 %
pool card 5 0,25 %
200 credits 10 %
350 credits 5 %
150 ors 10 %
100 Collector Tokens 25 %

Fortunately, the developers are friendly, and offer some guarantees (to avoid throwing your phone out the window following opening your nth chest without receiving a single card):

  • in the worst case, you can open 6 chests in a row without getting a new card;
  • you are sure to get one pool 4 card for every 40 open chests (therefore with a maximum of 79 open chests between two pool 4 cards).

And since, decidedly, all that is already much too simple (no), this behavior changes once more from level 1000. You must now progress twelve levels to open a collector’s reserve. It’s almost like a Collector’s Chest, but with different rewards:

Awards Probability
pool card 3 22,25%
pool card 4 2,5%
pool card 5 0,25%
300 credits 10%
400 credits 5%
200 or 10%
100 Collector Tokens 25%
Map variant 10%
Avatar 7,5%
Titre 7,5%

Small additional subtlety: if your collection of cards from pool 3 is complete, you receive instead between 200 and 600 collector’s tokens.

And, here too, you benefit from some guarantees:

  • if your pool 3 card collection is not yet complete, collector’s supplies are grouped in sets of four: a card, a cosmetic (avatar or title), collector’s tokens, and credits or gold , in each batch (but in random order);
  • As with chests, you are guaranteed to get one card from Pool 4 for every 40 open Collector’s Reserves.

Downgrading Cards

Each new season introduces new cards, in pool 4 or 5. Difficult to obtain, therefore. As long announced, some cards will be downgraded to a lower pool for the first time on January 31, 2023. In all, four cards will be downgraded from Pool 4 to Pool 3, and another five from Pool 5 to Pool 4.

They will therefore be easier to recover, and this above all has an impact on the way you spend your collector’s tokens. Unless you absolutely want a pool 4 or 5 card (which cost 3000 and 6000 tokens respectively), it’s best to use them for pool 3 cards (which cost “only” 1000 tokens).

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