Menopause and all the exercise you should do at age 50: strength, aerobic, flexibility and balance to speed up metabolism

There are women in their 60s who look like they are 35. And others in their 50s who look 65.
beyond geneticseverything usually has to do with what each one
take care of your body and what they do to stay active. Because menopause and age should not be an excuse to sit on the couch. Rather the opposite. You need more than ever to activate yourself and
tone your muscles.

When it comes to exercise,
it’s never too late to start an exercise program. Starting a physical routine can help reverse some of the problems caused by inactivity and can make you feel good about yourself
at all levels. Do you really need it.

Why you should exercise at 50

When it comes to your muscles, the saying “use it or lose it” is totally true. From the age of 50, the average person loses around 1% of muscle each year. But the thing is
you don’t have to give up for that to happen. With exercise, you can
restore lost muscle even up to 90 years.

The benefits of exercise are not limited to improving muscle mass and strength. Certain types of exercise can also help
improve the health of your bones. Until about age 30, your body works hard to produce and build bone. But then slowly comes the
bone loss.

This is further accelerated during
menopause due to reduced estrogen production. That’s when the risk of osteoporosis can really be real. Carry out
Exercise with weights Forcing you to work against the forces of gravity can help improve bone density and reduce the risk of fractures. You can read it later.

weight gain

The changes that occur in a woman’s body during menopause, such as a decrease in
hormone productioncan cause weight gain and the development of a
excess belly fat. It is not a simple aesthetic issue, but it is something that goes beyond.

Staying active during menopause can help you
avoid some of the associated weight gain. And in turn, maintaining your weight will prevent certain conditions often related to being overweight or obese, such as type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and heart disease.

Recommended types of exercises

Not all exercises are created equal, and it’s important to make sure you include a mix of different types of work in your exercise routine. The first must be
strength training. Good workout routines for women over 50 include lifting weights as well as exercises that involve the use of resistance, such as Pilates or working with resistance bands.

Then there are the
aerobic or cardiovascular exercises, which are sometimes called resistance exercises, since you’re supposed to do them for at least 10 minutes. During aerobic exercise, your heart rate and breathing should increase, but not so much that you can’t carry on a conversation with someone next to you. Walking, jogging, or swimming are examples of aerobic exercise.

stretching They are also a fundamental exercise within this routine for women who are approaching or have passed menopause. They help improve or maintain flexibility, which reduces the risk of muscle or joint injury. And note this: yoga is a fantastic stretching exercise.

Finally, there are the exercises.
equilibrium. As you age, your risk of falls increases. Exercises that help improve or maintain balance can reduce the risk of falls. A balance exercise can be as simple as standing on one foot.

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