Minecraft, which used to be a ’19 gold’ game, returns to the super-presidential game

↑ [제공 : 마인크래프트 홈페이지]

Four months after the abolition of the ‘shutdown system’, which stops teenagers from using late-night games, the popular game ‘Minecraft’ decided to allow youth access.
Minecraft developer Mojang announced on the 19th, “We have updated the account system so that minors who have obtained permission from a parent or guardian who have authenticated ‘PASS’ can access Minecraft.”
The company said, “We are pleased to announce that users under the age of 19 in Korea will be able to access Minecraft again.” “Minecraft, in accordance with the law, allows underage users to take a proper rest during the game through the gameplay timer function and notices,” the company said. We encourage you to do that,” he said.
Minecraft is a popular game played by 126 million people around the world. It is a way to build a building, create a village, and communicate with people. In particular, it is well known as the ‘Super President’ game because there are many young users.
Minecraft was initially rated for use by the age of 12 in Korea. However, Microsoft has allowed access only to adults since July last year because it was difficult to create a separate system for Korea’s shutdown system in the process of integrating accounts. For the shutdown system, which is only implemented in Korea, instead of creating a system that blocks access to teenagers, it has been changed so that only adults can access. The shutdown system is a system that blocks teenagers from accessing games from 12 pm to 6 am in order to prevent over-immersion in the game.
Minecraft has sparked controversy over the shutdown system. In the end, the government abolished the existing shutdown system in January and implemented an autonomous ‘game time selection system’ (selective shutdown system). The main goal is to allow teenagers or their parents to request the method and time limit for using the game from the Internet game provider.
[고득관 매경닷컴 기자]

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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