Mistakes that hurt your mobile phone while charging it..Avoid them

Follow-up – Suzanne Hassan

Your phone is new, but following a while you notice that its battery has become swollen or does not charge, or that it is charging quickly and draining quickly.

We will present to you a set of errors that you should avoid when charging your phones.

1. Wait until the battery is fully discharged:

This is not healthy, as waiting until the battery is completely discharged from charging will harm your smartphone.
When we willingly wait for the phone to turn off completely on its own due to the battery, this is a big mistake
It reduces the life of the battery.

2. Recharge the phone while the battery shows 50% of its capacity:

In fact, you have certainly noticed when you open a new smartphone for the first time, that it shows a battery capacity of regarding 40%, which is due to the fact that when the battery is at this level, it works well. When the charge rate is more than 40 or 50 percent, the cells are more easily damaged.

It is best to wait until the battery reaches 20 or 30% to do the charging.

3. Using any type of charger:

Surely you know that it is necessary to use the original charger that comes with your smartphone to carry out the charging process,

Of course, we highly recommend that the phone be charged using the original charger, but this is not mandatory, you can use other types of chargers, but on condition that they are compatible with the specifications of the original charger and respect the voltage measurement (ampérage), otherwise you will endanger your battery to many problems.

4. Charging from a laptop:

If the use of a charger that matches the specifications of the original charger is acceptable, then there is another behavior that you should avoid, which is charging from a laptop. Voltage measurement (ampérage) is very important in the process of charging a smartphone.

5. Using the smartphone while it is being charged:

As we said, the exposure of the battery to high temperature (surchauffe), results in a decrease in the performance of the battery and other components.

It is better if you leave your smartphone charging safely, and that its components are sufficiently rested, and the phone should not also be charged near sunlight, because this may increase its exposure to heat.

6. Charging the phone up to 100%:

This does not constitute a great danger, but we advise that you stay away from it, because, in general, the cells in the battery are in a better condition in 80%, for example, while in the remaining 20%, the cells are exposed to damage and stress.

Finally, the process of charging a smartphone is an intuitive and routine process for many, but it remains very important for the longevity of the battery and the smartphone.



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