My child suffering from constipation, what is the effective solution?

No matter how much you care, a child will grow up with big and small illnesses. Among them, constipation is a common but difficult disease to treat easily. It is easy for infants who have just turned 10 to suffer from constipation, but it takes a long time to treat.

If you are constipated, you cannot pass stool for a long time or the stool becomes very hard. It is easy to take due to lack of water or fiber intake, and loss of appetite due to other diseases also causes constipation.

Prevention and solutions by growth period

Constipation, which is painful even for adults, is an indescribable pain for infants. Let’s find out how to prevent and solve constipation by growth period.

My child who is breastfeeding

Adequate hydration is important for breastfeeding children. If your urine is dark or if you use less than 5 diapers a day, it is a sign that you need to rehydrate. Massage your stomach in a clockwise direction to help prevent constipation.

If you are constipated, drink a thicker milk powder than usual. At this time, water from the outside of the intestine is absorbed into the intestine, resulting in more water in the stool. You can also stimulate the area around the anus with oiled fingers.

my child who eats baby food

When you start eating weaning food, it is good to reduce milk little by little and consume enough fruits and vegetables. Rather than juice, it is better to grind a little or cut the flesh in moderation. Dietary fiber is said to be good for constipation, so if you consume more than 30g, the absorption rate of other nutrients will decrease.

If you are constipated, increase the amount of weaning food to ensure sufficient nutritional intake. It is also a good idea to soak your buttocks in warm water.

Children older than 24 months

This is when proper potty training is important. Rather than forcing a child to have a bowel movement, it is important to develop the habit of defecation immediately without holding back when the signal comes. It’s good to plan a bowel movement activity at a certain time and make it familiar with the toilet.

Drinking about 100㏄ of prunes a day helps improve constipation symptoms.

Fruits and vegetables effective in preventing and relieving constipation

Apple is a representative fruit that is good for constipation because it is rich in fiber. A component called pectin contained in the peel softens hard stools and helps with bowel movements. It is good to grind apples, but if you eat them cooked, you should be careful because they can cause constipation.

Pumpkin promotes diuretic action and strengthens the stomach. The fiber contained in old pumpkin is very good for improving digestive function and solving constipation. Pumpkin is easy for children to consume if you make it into porridge or before.

Alginic acid contained in kelp is very good for preventing constipation. It is effective in discharging waste products, so it is good to change it into baby food or to feed it with kelp broth.

Sweet potato, which is famous for its rich dietary fiber, also makes the intestines healthy and helps absorb moisture, making stool soft. If sweet potatoes are steamed or boiled and then mashed, the absorption rate is high and children like them.

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