Named health-threatening consequences of the yo-yo effect

This warning was issued by researchers from Georgetown University (USA). The results of their study were introduced at the annual meeting of the American Physiological Society.

When talking about the yo-yo effect (or yo-yo diet), we are talking about the so-called weight cycle, when the weight loss cycle (associated with the fact that a person goes on a restrictive diet) is regularly replaced by a weight gain cycle (when a person returns to his old habits food-related). Researchers, conducting experiments on laboratory rats, tried to find out what long-term consequences for the body such instability of weight can have.

It turned out that the change of several cycles of weight loss and weight gain leads to a noticeable deterioration in the functioning of the heart and kidneys. In addition, the sensitivity of body tissues to the hormone insulin decreases, which is a precursor to type 2 diabetes. Although the animals appeared healthy when the experiment ended, their cardiovascular system and metabolism were no longer healthy, the researchers note.

Further research is required to understand the biological mechanisms underlying these negative effects of the yo-yo effect. Scientists do not exclude that regularly repeated restriction of caloric intake triggers pathological processes in the body that lead to metabolic disorders and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

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