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Many are accustomed to calling ground seasoning paprika. It can be found in every spice section. Red peppers are primarily associated with the spicy pods.

These products differ from each other in useful properties and taste.

What are the health benefits of paprika?

Paprika is a really healthy vegetable. It contains many different vitamins and minerals.

After a series of studies, it was possible to find out that the fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C. Paprika also contains the following components: iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and others.

Photo: © Belnovosti

If you regularly add paprika to food, then this has a positive effect on the body. First of all, immunity is strengthened, blood counts improve and the risk of oncology is significantly reduced. Scientists also found capsaicin in the composition.

This is a unique substance that reduces the risk of blood clots. Fiber, in turn, promotes the removal of toxins, and also improves bowel function.

The main types of paprika

Popular varieties of paprika mainly differ in the shape of the fruit. The most common varieties include:

  • sweet red paprika;
  • yellow paprika with a burning taste;
  • semi-sweet;
  • delicacy with a little spiciness.

Paprika is considered useful, but in the presence of certain diseases it is not recommended to eat it. Doctors prohibit the use of paprika for gastritis, angina pectoris and tachycardia.

Characteristic features of red pepper

This variety of pepper comes from America. The form is quite varied. Fruits are most often round or elongated.

The color of the pepper may also differ, but only red fruits are usually found on the territory of the CIS countries. Red pepper is usually grown in a greenhouse. The plant can also be grown on a windowsill.

Capsaicin gives the fruit its characteristic taste. The fruits also contain the following useful components: calcium, sulfur, iron and B vitamins.

Pepper really has a powerful effect on the body due to its unique composition. If you suffer from heart or kidney diseases, then it is better to refuse to eat this pepper.

Distinctive characteristics

Spices are made from the same plant, so they do not differ. The only difference is in the sharpness. Paprika is considered to be sweeter, since pepper fruits have a slight spiciness. The taste of spices can be very different. It primarily depends on the drying method.

There are different types of paprika available on the market. One of the most popular is smoked paprika, which has a characteristic pronounced aroma. Some manufacturers add a little hot red pepper to the powder. This greatly enhances the taste and makes the seasoning special.

If you did not find paprika on sale, then you should not be upset, as it can be easily replaced with ordinary red ground pepper.

However, in this case, housewives will need to adjust the taste.

Smoked paprika, which is sold in the form of flakes, is also a good substitute for the usual powdered seasoning. Alternatively, you can use cinnamon or other popular spices.

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