North City local +1! The housewife was infected by the child returning home from Kaohsiung, and the Ct value was only 10

Huang Shanshan, deputy mayor of Taipei City, said that a housewife in Taipei City was infected with a child who returned home from Kaohsiung and was diagnosed with COVID-19 (coronavirus 2019). Elimination and epidemic adjustment Kuang list.

Huang Shanshan, deputy mayor of Taipei City, said that a housewife in Taipei City was diagnosed with COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) after being infected by a child who returned home from Kaohsiung. The Ct value is only 10, and the degree of contagion may be very high, which is worrying. (file photo)

Huang Shanshan attended the opening ceremony of Jingguo Qihai Cultural Park today. When asked by the media about the COVID-19 epidemic, it was confirmed that there will be one new case in Beicheng today.

Huang Shanshan said that this case is a housewife who was infected by a child who came home from Kaohsiung. Although there are not many footprints, the Ct value is only 10, which is worrying. Due to the high degree of contagion, we have expanded the elimination and epidemic control list. Contacts will be fully tested, and those with higher exposure will be quarantined at home.

Huang Shanshan pointed out that the housewife’s child returned home on the 15th. The housewife had symptoms on the 18th and was diagnosed yesterday. (Editor-in-Chief: Zhuang Yanyu)

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