Not all of them are beneficial.. A study reveals the best nutritional supplements

to heart diseaseresearchers explained United State AndChinathat some Nutritional supplements not useful For heart health As previously thought, like "beta carotene".

According to the scientists, they reviewed several studies that included an analysis of trials on micronutrients taken as dietary supplements.

After examining 27 different types of supplements antioxidant From 884 studies, including 800,000 patients, researchers said they found strong evidence that many of them have cardiovascular benefits.

Scientists also confirmed that fatty acid supplementation "Omega 3"reduced deaths from cardiovascular disease, according to the agency "UPI" for the news

As for folic acid, it has been shown to reduce the risk stroke.

And the vitamins did not appear "C" And"are" And"Which" And"selenium" No effect on long-term cardiovascular disease outcomes, nor did it reduce risk with diabetes Type 2, according to the Scholars Review.

Scientists have shown that supplementation "beta carotene" It moderately increased the risk of heart attack and type 2 diabetes and, to a lesser extent, all-cause mortality, cardiovascular death and the risk of stroke.

Scientists also pointed out that eating "beta carotene" As a dietary supplement it increases the risk of lung cancer in people who are predisposed to such disease.

The scientists called for further research on the subject to analyze and monitor any possibility of nutritional interventions when talking about these supplements.

Scientists advised people looking for heart-healthy foods to focus on what is known Mediterranean dietAnd eat more foods rich in antioxidants.


In a study published in the American College Journal to heart diseaseresearchers explained United State AndChinathat some Nutritional supplements not useful For heart health As previously thought, such as “beta-carotene”.

According to the scientists, they reviewed several studies that included an analysis of trials on micronutrients taken as dietary supplements.

After examining 27 different types of supplements antioxidant From 884 studies, including 800,000 patients, researchers said they found strong evidence that many of them have cardiovascular benefits.

Scientists have also confirmed that fatty acid supplementation “Omega 3It reduced deaths from cardiovascular disease, according to the UPI news agency.

As for folic acid, it has been shown to reduce the risk stroke.

Vitamins C, D, E, and selenium showed no effect on long-term cardiovascular disease outcomes, nor did they reduce the risk of stroke. with diabetes Type 2, according to the Scholars Review.

The scientists showed that beta-carotene supplementation moderately increased the risk of heart attack and type 2 diabetes, and to a lesser extent, all-cause mortality, cardiovascular death and the risk of stroke.

Scientists also pointed out that eating “beta caroteneAs a dietary supplement it increases the risk of lung cancer in people who are predisposed to such disease.

The scientists called for further research on the subject to analyze and monitor any possibility of nutritional interventions when talking about these supplements.

Scientists advised people looking for heart-healthy foods to focus on what is known Mediterranean dietAnd eat more foods rich in antioxidants.

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