Oh Young-hoon, the second airport prudential theory… “The decision of the Ministry of Environment is important now.”

Jeju Provincial Governor Oh Young-hoon, who took office on July 1st, said that the decision of the Ministry of Environment is the most important time for the construction of the second airport, which is the biggest issue in Jeju.

(Jeju = International News) Reporter Moon Do-hyeon = Jeju Provincial Governor Oh Young-hoon, who took office on July 1st, said, “The decision of the Ministry of Environment is the most important time for the construction of the second airport, which is the biggest issue in Jeju. will,” he said.

Jeju-do Governor Oh Young-hoon held his first press conference after taking office at 1:30 pm on the 1st at the governor’s office and made this statement.

At the inauguration ceremony held this morning, Governor Oh announced that the second airport problem would be resolved through collective intelligence. Regarding collective intelligence in this regard, he said, “Collecting the intelligence of people in various fields is the power of collective intelligence.

In other words, it is necessary to create collective intelligence and a consensus among the citizens.

Jeju Governor Oh Young-hoon held his first press conference after taking office on the 1st and said, “We are not at the stage to present a position on the second airport yet.”[사진=문서현 기자]

Governor Oh said, “Currently, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport has performed the strategic environmental impact assessment supplementary service according to the law and procedure, and in this process, it is not at the stage where it is possible to express the opinion of the Jeju governor.” “I think there will be plenty of opportunities,” he said.

Also, when asked about the use of Jeongseok Airfield, which Governor Oh brought up during his time as a member of the National Assembly, he dismissed it, saying, “That was the opinion of a politician. It was suggested as an alternative to resolve the conflict when the conflict was intensifying.”

“Currently, it is a matter for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to review, but it is difficult to comment on it from an administrator’s point of view,” he said. “If the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport submits a strategic environmental impact assessment report to the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Environment will decide on it, and this will be the most important time.”He said, “The time will come when I can present Jeju Island’s opinions,” and for now, he chose to be cautious.

Then, to a reporter’s question about whether his position was unclear, he expressed some displeasure, saying, “I am embarrassed and unable to understand the question that my position on the second airport is ambiguous.”

He said, “At this stage, if there is any part where the Jeju governor can exercise his authority in the central government’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport project, please tell me. raised the

He continued, “In times like these, we need to be more careful and exercise administrative power while judging and confirming at what stage the Jeju governor’s legal authority can be exercised. It is not yet the time to exercise authority.”

Governor Oh said, “It is a reality that the residents are worried. The quality of life of the residents has not been improved, and the difficulties are aggravating.” “It’s difficult to recognize that things are not progressing,” he said.

Regarding this, he replied, “It would be good to tie a knot in some parts. It would be good to explain that what you can’t do, you can’t do, explain what you can’t keep your promises, and find another way.”

Governor Oh explained, “The most urgent thing is to submit an 850 billion-won historical supplementary budget to the National Assembly so that it can be implemented in August.”

Private news agency Kukje News/[email protected]

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