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Onemi cancels all tsunami threat states off the coast of Chile
The National Emergency Office (Onemi) finally canceled this Sunday all the Precautionary States that were in force in different regions of the country since this Saturday.
The The last regions where the measure was lifted were those of Ñuble and Biobío, in a trend that continued throughout Sunday morning.
This is because the same thing had previously happened with the Atacama, Arica and Parinacota and Coquimbo regions.
ATTENTION! SHOA indicates that in view of the particular characteristics of the event, generated from a volcanic eruption in Tonga, the states of tsunami threat for the coastline of our country are totally CANCELED.
— onemichile (@onemichile) January 16, 2022
However, the risk of a tsunami has not been the only phenomenon that has kept authorities concerned at the national level. There is also permanent monitoring for possible rainfall in the north of the continental territory.
That is why the Regional Directorate of the National Emergency Office of the Ministry of the Interior (Onemi) of the Valparaíso region, declared Preventive Early Warning in this area.
The alert covers the provinces of San Felipe and Los Andes, and the municipalities of Cabildo and Petorca. Possible normal to moderate rainfall is estimated between the morning of this Sunday, January 16, and the early morning of Monday, January 17.
In the foothills and foothills valleys it is expected that this Sunday between 3 and 5 millimeters will fall, while in the mountain range between 10 and 15 mm are expected. In addition, on January 17 they should fall between 1 and 3 mm, according to the Meteorological Risk Report.
This alert constitutes a state of reinforcement of surveillance and activation of the Civil Protection System in the event of an emergency situation.