Pessimists or optimists.. Scientists determine who lives longer

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and live optimists for a longer time thanks to a number of factors such as sleep Relaxation, reduced anxiety, and improved cardiovascular health because they do not deal with stress excessively.

According to the study Published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, a number of researchers monitored the life span of 160,000 women aged between 50 and 79 over a period of 27 years.

At the start of the study, the women were asked to answer a number of questions to see if they were optimistic about life And the future Or are they the opposite.

In 2019, the researchers followed the women who were still alive, and the average lifespan of the participants who had died was also measured.

The results showed that the optimists lived longer until they reached the ninth decade, while the average age of women in developed countries is 83 years.

Experts believe that this study is of great importance, because it took into account a number of factors such as the level of education income and ethnicity, in addition to monitoring the incidence of depression or any other diseases.

Since this study included a sample of women only, it is not known whether the conclusions also apply to men.

According to the newspaper "Washington Post"a previous study indicated that optimists, whether men or women, live 11 to 15 percent longer than pessimists.

In the same vein, researchers found that optimists tend to follow a healthy lifestyle, taking care of themselves more, while pessimists engage in harmful behavior such as smoking, which increases the risk of serious diseases such as high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.


and live optimists for a longer time thanks to a number of factors such as sleep Relaxation, reduced anxiety, and improved cardiovascular health because they do not deal with stress excessively.

According to the study Published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, a number of researchers monitored the life span of 160,000 women aged between 50 and 79 over a period of 27 years.

At the start of the study, the women were asked to answer a number of questions to see if they were optimistic about life And the future Or are they the opposite.

In 2019, the researchers followed the women who were still alive, and the average lifespan of the participants who had died was also measured.

The results showed that the optimists lived longer until they reached the ninth decade, while the average age of women in developed countries is 83 years.

Experts believe that this study is of great importance, because it took into account a number of factors such as the level of education income and ethnicity, in addition to monitoring the incidence of depression or any other diseases.

Since this study included a sample of women only, it is not known whether the conclusions also apply to men.

According to the Washington Post, a previous study indicated that optimists, whether men or women, live 11 to 15 percent longer than pessimists.

In the same vein, researchers found that optimists tend to follow a healthy lifestyle, taking care of themselves more, while pessimists engage in harmful behavior such as smoking, which increases the risk of serious diseases such as high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.

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