As flowers and plants they cheer up the house all year round, but taking into account the ideal season to cultivate each species certainly yields a more beautiful and healthier garden. Each season has its particularities, and in the fall it wouldn’t be any different. Due to the milder climate, the days end up being colder and with less sunlight, but these are characteristics that end up leaving doubts. What is the ideal light exposure? How much to water? Is it better to leave the plant in partial shade?
What is autumn like for plants?
In autumn, it is important to take into account that the plants enter a harvest period, a moment marked by the fall of leaves and fruits. according to the gardener Fernando Araujospecialist of Vasart at the Mercadão das Flores store, this is a survival strategy, as the vegetables can save energy and guarantee the necessary protection for the coming winter, when the period of dormancy comes.

Even so, care is still essential. While species protect themselves to manufacture energy, fertilization is necessary, for example. “During this period, they need nutrients so that in spring and summer flowers and fruits will appear”, points out the gardener.
To solve the doubts, we talked to some specialists in landscaping and decoration to understand how autumn affects plants and what is the best way to take care of them at this time of year. Oh, and it’s also worth investing in species that do better with this season of cooler days.
5 flowers from fall to have at home
Rayra Liralandscaper of J Lira Green Lifee Savio Cardosospecialist in wedding decoration, point out some species that do well during the autumn, check it out:
- azaleas: Despite adapting to the climate, it is advisable to keep a constant eye on the azaleas. According to Rayra, it is a delicate flower, as its flowers dry up gradually. The landscaper advises to always remove the dried flowers, so that they do not harm the health of the plant. “Despite this, it is a flower that is very resistant to low temperatures but also accepts sun exposure during the day, being ideal for the season”, she comments.

- Camelias: They are great options for decoration because they are romantic and delicate, in addition to bringing a natural scent to the environment. “Their colors can be white and pink, but it is worth remembering that, as it is a very fragile flower, it is not advised to touch them, since the fingers can leave stains”, says Sávio.

- Gerbers: They are part of the sunflower family and, due to the intensity of the colors of their petals, they end up attracting attention. Experts advise inserting them in an arrangement, with flowers in different shades, but in the same color chart, for example: an arrangement with red, pink and yellow gerberas. “It is a flower of fall because it adapts better to a balanced climate, neither cold nor hot”, explains Rayra.

- Orchid Cattleya cernua: The landscaper explains that this type of orchid, which blooms at the end of summer, it requires a reduced frequency of watering during autumn, so that excess moisture does not occur in the substrate. “During the season, she it has a very vibrant orange color, so it is important to pay attention to excess water, so that it leaves it with a very lively tone, its particularity.”

How to fertilize plants in autumn?
The process needs to be constant throughout the year, but at this time continuing with fertilization is crucial. In autumn, it is recommended to carry out the
procedure with organic products every 15 or 30 days, contributing to a fertile land, capable of providing the necessary nutrients to the plants.
Is it necessary to prune and clean the plants this season?
The common pruning no are needed in autumn. Gardener Fernando Araújo explains that, at this time, the plant will not have as much energy to expend (growth, sprouting, etc.). However, cleaning is essential: to perform hygiene, just remove the leaves, dry branches and check for the presence of pests and fungi.

Also, giving the plant a “new home” during the fall can help it in the future. “Transplanting from one vessel to another improves overall development. This means a much prettier plant in spring,” advises the Vasart expert.
beware of pests
The species are more susceptible to pests in autumn, which take advantage of the dormancy to attack, penetrating and sucking the sap of the plants. The most common are mealybugs and aphids.
According to Fernando, the ideal is to manually remove these parasites – mealybugs usually appear as white dots on the foliage and stem. –using a brush or an old toothbrush.
Next, it is advisable to apply an anti-pest or anti-fungal agent and move the infested plant away from the healthy ones in order to avoid contamination between them.
Beware of excess water

As autumn temperatures are milder, fluid loss is less. Therefore, such intense irrigation is not necessary.
“Going from twice a week to just one watering is perfect”, recommends the expert. “Depending on the plant, the ideal is to water every four days, always observing the humidity of the soil”, he adds.
How much sun is ideal for plants in autumn?
The amount of sun will depend on how much each species requires. Fernando explains that, if the incidence of light in the place is very low (since the sun is not as intense as in the summer and it changes position), and the species asks for this care, you should look for a space where the sun shines more present.