Powerful northern lights in our area – “Sacrificed sleep in favor of the spectacle”

Monday night’s show on the firmament caused many to be enraptured by the phenomenon. Wisam Salim went to Krön as soon as he noticed that it was now up and running.

– I follow some pages on Facebook that post and “warn” about possible outbreaks, and in parallel with some apps, it very well showed that there would be a show on Monday night, he says.

“It was the clothes on”

Yesterday he noticed the eruption from the garden inside Vimmerby where the sky was lit up.

– It was the clothes on and out to a darker place. A few more enthusiasts were there and wanted to see more.

Wisam Salim saw his first northern lights already in March 2022.

– It was an eruption that was absolutely fantastic and since then I have sacrificed a little sleep in favor of the spectacle.

This is how he describes Monday night’s northern lights:

– The northern lights came in waves and pulsed. One moment it rested, while the next moment it “exploded”. The finishing touch was the falling stars that you saw every now and then. So you will remember yesterday for a long time.

Lena Nilsson from Vimmerby was also up and immortalized the shooting star.

– There were shooting stars and aurora borealis at the same time between 11pm and 12:30am over Hällebacka.

Have you seen the northern lights before?

– Yes, once on March 23, 2023, that was also in Vimmerby. Everything is photographed with my phone, you should have had a better camera, she says.

Explains the phenomenon

It seems to have become increasingly common with the northern lights even this far down in the country. SMHI has explained the phenomenon to our newspaper.

“When the sun is active, the flow of charged particles from the sun increases, and when the particle beams come into contact with the Earth’s atmosphere, we can perceive it as light. At the north and south poles, we see it as the northern and southern lights.”

See more photos on Facebook, where our readers share their experiences of Monday night.



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