Putin plans evacuation and flight to Syria to Bashar al-Assad

If Russia loses the war and the mood changes

Putin’s escape plan to Syria

The Kremlin dictator is prepared for any eventuality: If the mood in the country changes, Vladimir Putin is said to be planning to leave Russia. Apparently he has already decided who he wants to live with in exile afterwards: an old friend.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (69) wants to flee Russia if he loses the war in Ukraine. This is what a Russian, allegedly a Kremlin insider and former secret service officer, writes in a telegram. On his channel, he disseminates information about the Russian government and internal processes almost every day.

Russia has now prepared “evacuation plans” for Putin if his army is defeated in Ukraine and the mood in the country should change. The Russian President is in view of his stockenden Donbass-Offensive and the Russian economy, which is suffering from the sanctions, aware of the possibility of a change in mood in the country and even a revolt.

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