Putin Suggests Lula, Xi, and Modi as Central Figures for Ukraine Peace Talks

Moscow.-Russian President Vladimir Putin has proposed China, Brazil and India as possible mediators in future peace talks with Ukraine, in opposition to the US and European powers, which Moscow says are interested in prolonging the conflict.

“We respect our friends and partners who, I believe, are sincerely interested in resolving all the issues related to this conflict. These are primarily China, Brazil and India,” Putin said during the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok.

Putin, who has just returned from Mongolia, where the authorities ignored the arrest warrant for the Russian president issued by the International Criminal Court for war crimes, again accused the West of putting pressure on kyiv to not cease hostilities in the neighbouring country.

“As of today, we do not see the conditions for holding peace negotiations,” said Dmitri Peskov, presidential spokesman.

“Are we ready to enter into negotiations with them (the Ukrainians)? We have never opposed this. But not on the basis of some ephemeral demands, but on the basis of documents agreed upon and actually signed in Istanbul,” he said of the March 2022 agreements.

According to Putin, if the Ukrainians had signed this document “the war would have ended long ago”, but, instead, the goal of the Americans and Europeans is to achieve “the strategic defeat of Russia”.

“This is not happening,” he said.

Meanwhile, he added, the leaders of China, Brazil and India “honestly aspire to help understand all the details of this complicated process.”

“I am in constant contact with our colleagues on this matter,” he stressed.

The leaders of these three countries will meet with Putin next October in the Tatar city of Kazan, which will host the summit of the BRICS group of emerging countries, to which Turkey has also requested to join, a possible venue for these future negotiations along with Austria, which offered itself as a venue today.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping has long supported Russia’s argument that NATO bears primary responsibility for the current conflict, although he has not completely broken ties with kyiv and in fact received the Ukrainian foreign minister in Beijing in July.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has a close relationship with Putin, but he also met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev in August, calling for “innovative solutions” to restore peace.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, meanwhile, was more forceful in his support for the Kremlin in the early months of the war, but has now pleaded with Putin for a ceasefire and direct talks.

Putin made it clear again today that before negotiating with the enemy, Russia must expel its troops from the border region of Kursk, a Ukrainian incursion that will complete one month on Friday.

“Our armed forces have stabilised the situation and have begun to expel (the enemy) from the border territories,” he said.

He added that kyiv had not achieved its intended goal with the attack, which was to halt the Russian offensive, mainly in Donbas.

“On the contrary, by moving its larger and better trained units to the border areas, the enemy was weakened in key sectors and our troops accelerated offensive operations,” he explained.

According to the Russian Defence Ministry, Ukraine has suffered more than 10,000 casualties in Kursk, where it controls around 100 towns and nearly 1,300 square kilometres.

Meanwhile, according to the daily military report, Russian forces have captured the Ukrainian town of Zavitne in their advance towards the Pokrovsk stronghold in the Donetsk region.

According to the Ukrainian Deep State project, the Russian army has conquered some 355 square kilometers in Donetsk and neighboring Lugansk during the month of August.

Putin stressed that Russia had not made such “territorial gains” in Ukraine for a long time.

Regarding the US elections, the outcome of which will determine the settlement of the conflict, according to experts, Putin made an ironic comment.

“I already said that our favorite, if you can say that, was the current president, Mr. (Joe) Biden. Now he has been removed from the presidential race and he has recommended to all his supporters to support Harris. We will do the same, we will support her,” he said.

He stressed that the current vice president “laughs in such an expressive and contagious way that it shows that everything is going well for her.”

Donald Trump “has imposed more sanctions against Russia than any other president before him. And if all goes well for Harris, she may refrain from such actions,” he said.Infobae.

#Putin #nominated #Lula #Silva #Jinping #Narendra #Modi #mediators #resolve #war #Ukraine
2024-09-10 15:39:00

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Vladimir Putin: A Key Figure in the Ukraine-Russia Conflict

Vladimir Putin,​ the President of Russia, has been at the center of the ongoing conflict ‍between Russia and Ukraine. Recently,⁣ Putin proposed China, Brazil, and‍ India as possible mediators in future peace ​talks with Ukraine,⁢ citing their sincerity in resolving⁣ the conflict [[3]]. This move is seen as a⁢ shift away from the US and⁢ European powers, which ​Moscow accuses of prolonging the conflict.

Putin’s stance on the ⁢conflict has been​ clear: he believes that the West is putting pressure on Kyiv to not cease hostilities, and that the goal of the Americans and Europeans is to achieve “the strategic defeat of Russia” [[3]]. He has also accused​ the West of ignoring the arrest warrant issued by the ‍International Criminal Court for war crimes, ⁢which he claims is a politically motivated move [[2]].

Despite his tough stance, Putin has expressed willingness to negotiate with Ukraine, but only on the basis of ‍documents‍ agreed upon and signed in Istanbul in March 2022 [[3]]. He claims that if Ukraine had signed​ this document, the war would have⁤ ended long ago.

Meanwhile,‍ Putin has been in constant contact with the leaders of China, Brazil, and India, who he believes “honestly aspire to help understand all the details of this complicated process” [[3]]. The leaders of these ​three countries will meet⁤ with Putin in October in the Tatar city of Kazan, which will host the summit of the BRICS group of emerging countries.

China, Brazil, and India have all played important roles in the conflict, with China ‌supporting Russia’s argument that NATO bears ⁢primary responsibility for the current conflict‌ [[3]]. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has a close relationship with Putin, ​but has also met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, calling for “innovative solutions” to restore peace [[3]]. Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio ⁢Lula da Silva has been more ​forceful in his support for the Kremlin, ​but has recently pleaded ‌with⁣ Putin for a ceasefire‌ and direct talks [[3]].

The conflict between Russia⁢ and Ukraine has been ongoing for months, with both ⁤sides​ suffering heavy losses. According to the Russian Defence‍ Ministry, Ukraine has suffered more than 10,000⁣ casualties in Kurs

What are the implications of Putin’s proposal to involve China, Brazil, and India as mediators in the Russia-Ukraine peace talks?

Russia-Ukraine War: Putin Proposes China, Brazil, and India as Mediators for Peace Talks

The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has taken a new turn as Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed China, Brazil, and India as possible mediators for future peace talks. This move comes as a response to the West’s alleged attempts to prolong the conflict. In a recent speech at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Putin accused the US and European powers of pressuring Ukraine to continue fighting, rather than seeking a peaceful resolution.

Putin stated that China, Brazil, and India are “sincerely interested” in resolving the conflict and have expressed their willingness to help facilitate negotiations. He emphasized that these countries are not driven by a desire to “strategically defeat” Russia, unlike the West. This stance is likely to further strain relations between Russia and Western nations, which have imposed economic sanctions on Russia in response to its actions in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has called for a meeting between Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to end the war [[2]]. This appeal for diplomatic efforts comes as a welcome respite in the midst of escalating tensions.

In a surprising turn of events, Putin himself has expressed readiness for talks with Ukraine, stating that Russia has never opposed negotiations [[3]]. However, he emphasized that any talks must be based on previously agreed-upon documents, rather than “ephemeral demands.” This statement raises hopes for a potential breakthrough in the stalled peace process.

The proposed mediators, China, Brazil, and India, have their own interests and motivations in the conflict. China has long supported Russia’s argument that NATO bears primary responsibility for the conflict, although it has maintained diplomatic ties with Ukraine. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has a close relationship with Putin, but has also met with Zelensky, calling for “innovative solutions” to restore peace. Brazil, which initially supported the Kremlin, has since pleaded with Putin for a ceasefire and direct talks.

As the leaders of these nations prepare to meet with Putin in October at the BRICS summit in Kazan, there is a possibility that Austria or Turkey could host future negotiations. The involvement of these countries could bring new perspectives and approaches to the negotiating table, potentially paving the way for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

the Russia-Ukraine war has entered a new phase, with Putin’s proposal of China, Brazil, and India as mediators offering a glimmer of hope for a peaceful resolution. As diplomatic efforts intensify, the world watches with bated breath, hoping that a lasting solution can be found to end the suffering and bloodshed in Ukraine.




[3] <https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/09/05/putin-says-russia-ready-for-talks-with-ukraine67248844.html>



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