Radiant film festival without mirrors

The Red Sea International Film Festival still shines with its beauty in every corner of it, and despite that beauty, the media remained deficient in covering the events of the festival.

Here, there is no blame for anyone, but rather a proactive observation that has always been an essential informative point in many literary and artistic forums, and this observation may be limited in its view because these means are so numerous that the observer cannot count them; Everyone who attended the artistic demonstration at the festival is a media tool or means through the private broadcasting that he practices.

The observation that I stood on is the traditional means that still feed all communication sites with their materials, and the credibility of what is relied upon as truth on the ground of the reality of the event.

The festival is still broadcasting its joys through the films shown, and there are still films that will be shown later.. In the face of the Saudi films shown, they need artistic reviews, not for individual evaluation, but rather for collective evaluation to know the degree or percentage of artistic excellence over the previous cinematic productions, and I believe that this evaluation can be improved. It is approved by all participants in the film industry, so what is broadcast in festivals is considered a passport for the screened film, and this means that the technical committees concerned with approving the film or films shown have reached a conviction that that film has reached a reasonable aesthetic limit for the festival to adopt its screening.

In any creative field, the review is a charging energy to reach what is considered a cinematic film that attracts the audience. A movie that is shown for a week or less is considered (in the window concept) to be unsuccessful.

I am almost certain that those concerned with the Red Sea Festival are seeking subsequent successes in the films that are shown, and this intention requires prior and subsequent briefing on the films presented. When I talk about reviews, I wish the brothers in charge of the festival to hold seminars (after the festival ends) to find out the degree of progress of Saudi film compared to what was previously in the past. These seminars are edited and distributed to those involved in the Saudi film industry. Continuous growth in Saudi film.

according to “Okaz

All published articles represent the opinion of its authors only.

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