Based on this, civil servants – at least one million people – will be obliged to hand over illegal immigrants to the authorities, a targeting that has already caused major social reactions in the country.
Humanitarian organizations and agencies are sounding the alarm over the impact of such a move, which has been described as “totally inhumane” by public sector workers.
Public servants will be asked to report to the authorities any contact they have with patients, students and others who do not have documents to stay in the country.
The proposed bill is among several measures included in the 2022 deal struck between four right-wing parties, a deal that paved the way for the formation of a coalition government involving three centre-right parties with parliamentary support from far-right anti-immigration MPs Swedes Democrats (SD).
The SD is now Sweden’s second largest party and the measure is being pushed to a vote as the Parliamentary Committee has been instructed by the government to present a draft law, aiming to show its findings to the government by the end of November.
Trade unions say the plan could erode trust in the institutions and infrastructure they have built and instead fuel racism and reinforce stigma. There are fears that people may be reluctant to send their children to school or show reluctance to access health care or even report crimes against them.
More than 150 Swedish organisations, civil society groups, municipalities and regions have come out against the plan. Michelle Levoy of the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants talks about a pan-European trend to criminalize solidarity with undocumented migrants. Moreover, the Finnish government is also considering extending the reporting obligations of undocumented people.
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