Riquelme shoots, while Macri and Angelici put together a large opposition front

2023-11-11 07:43:12

Boca’s would be the electoral battle that would focus the attention of the entire country if it were not for the fact that Argentina is approaching the most decisive presidential election of this century, or perhaps longer. Almost simultaneously with the runoff between Sergio Massa and Javier Milei, the final sprint of the Xeneizes elections was reduced to a binary similar to that of November 19: Riquelme versus Macri, Macri versus Riquelme. The postcard of the idol and his Topo Giggio challenging the successful president, now reversed at the polls of one of the two most popular clubs.

“We continue to be a club or we let these people do politics,” Riquelme launched yesterday, in dialogue with Jorge Rial on Radio 10. It was a way to agitate a campaign that from now on will have him at the center of the scene. “These people” are Macri, but not only Macri: they are also Daniel Angelici and the nine opposition groups that are beginning to gather behind Andrés Ibarra, the former Minister of Modernization of the City and the Nation, whom Macri chose as a candidate more ago. of one year.

Just as Riquelme and Macri will raise their profile, the other who has already done so was Angelici, president of the club between 2011 and 2019. El Tano did not approve Ibarra as a candidate until this month, when in a meeting he agreed to group the different opposition options and consolidate a great front. This space – which had a meeting this Tuesday and a lunch yesterday Friday – seeks to amalgamate several people who threatened to run, such as Jorge Reale – whose campaign manager was Diego Lajst, a historic supporter of Angelici –, Mario Pergolini and old leaders such as Alberto Salvo, Javier Medin and Francisco Quintana. The only one they might not add was José Beraldi, the transportation businessman who does not forget what happened in previous elections. Reale demands charges and hesitates between yes and no.

Having Angelici also implies moving some legal cases that will try to influence these last weeks of the campaign. What Riquelme said yesterday regarding Judge Celsa Ramírez – “I ask her to leave my family alone” – and the investigation into her brother Cristian and an alleged resale of tickets, should be read in that vein. There are other causes in motion: a request to challenge the Soy Bostero group and to prevent the voting of the 14 thousand people who joined the registry in these four years.

If Román was waiting for the result in the Copa Libertadores final to determine whether or not he was going to top the ballot in the elections on Saturday, December 2, the fall at the Maracaná once morest Fluminense and the resignation of coach Jorge Almirón made him make a decision. decision whose announcement will be delayed until that week, the deadline set by the statute.

Everything indicates that Riquelme will be the one and that the two in his space will be Ricardo Rosica, current general secretary of the club. But as happens in the opposition, in the ruling party there are also hours of negotiations and requests: there are many people with heavy surnames in the national red circle who ask to join the formula alongside Román. Agustín Vila, son of the owner of Grupo América, Daniel Vila; and Juan Nosiglia, son of Coti, are part of that unpredictable game of chips, which has Jorge Amor Ameal on the side, off the board.

To the nine groups that respond in one way or another to Macri and his dolphin, the ruling party opposes six: Nuevo Boca, whose historical reference is the late Roberto Digón; Together for Boca, by Rosica; La Bombonera, chaired by Pablo Abbatangelo and with the support of the Boca Somos Todos movement, businessman and trade unionist Víctor Santa María and Santiago Carreras; For a Better Boca, by Fabián Parra and the Nosiglia family; Azul y Oro, by Carlos Montero, and Soy Bostero, Riquelme’s brand new group in which “dirty play” is already being denounced. A game that has just begun.

#Riquelme #shoots #Macri #Angelici #put #large #opposition #front



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