Sarcopenia fears dementia, don’t touch the 3 major mines by mistake!Doctor: Vitamin D supplementation, protein 3 strokes to prevent sarcopenia | Chinese Health Network – Professional real-time high-quality health news and information sharing platform

There are many sequelae of the new crown infection. When physical strength deteriorates, hand grip strength and walking speed are significantly reduced, be careful that “post-coronavirus sarcopenia” may come to the door! In addition, risk factors for sarcopenia include eating too lightly and even losing weight improperly. To prevent the health risk “muscle” caused by sarcopenia, there are 3 strategies for daily diet and exercise that should not be ignored!

Under the dual influence of an aging society and the post-epidemic era in Taiwan, the incidence of sarcopenia will increase rapidly. The common causes of sarcopenia include aging, decreased physical activity, and malnutrition. However, what is easily overlooked is that, A bland diet, improper weight loss, and lack of exercise may also be the cause of sarcopenia.

Sarcopenia can cause falls, dementia, functional decline, and even death

Sarcopenia is associated with many adverse consequences, including falls, dementia, functional decline, and increased mortality. Cardiologist Chen Jiongyu said that with the advent of an aging society, there are more and more cases of sarcopenia, which further increases the risk of disability and disability.

Dr. Chen Jiongyu said that most people think that men are naturally more muscular than women, so men are at a lower risk of developing sarcopenia. However, in fact, according to the survey, in contrast, the risk of sarcopenia in men is as high as 50% higher than that in women.

Whether it is skeleton, muscle mass or body fat, there are obvious differences between men and women. Although women’s skeleton is naturally smaller and the amount of muscle that can be attached is limited, as the age increases, the secretion of testosterone in men will decrease, and testosterone is a kind of stimulating protein synthesis, The hormone for muscle growth, so men over 50 years old need to rely on acquired efforts if they want to maintain muscle mass.

Improper weight loss is also one of the possible causes of sarcopenia, and it may even lead to more serious

Improper weight loss is also one of the possible causes of sarcopenia, and it may even lead to more serious “sarcopenic obesity”, forming a vicious circle.

If you want to stay away from sarcopenia, in addition to recognizing the differences in individual body composition, you must also be careful not to accidentally touch the mine of sarcopenia, and to break the myth that “more exercise and more muscles can prevent sarcopenia”, the following 3 major Special attention should be paid to the causes of sarcopenia:

Don’t mistake the 3 major mines of sarcopenia

1. Too bland diet

At a certain age, many people will feel that they need to eat light, but the main protein still needs to be adequately ingested in order to really increase muscle mass.

2. Improper weight loss and dieting

Improper weight loss is also one of the possible causes of sarcopenia, and it may even lead to more serious “sarcopenic obesity”, forming a vicious circle.

3. Lack of exercise

Lack of exercise or activity can easily lead to muscle loss and decreased muscle strength. Therefore, exercise maintains muscle strength, muscle mass, and body function.

Dr. Chen Jiongyu also reminded that sarcopenia affects health in a wide range of aspects, and may be affected everywhere in the body, especially the joints. Because the metabolism of joints is very dependent on human activities, if sarcopenia encounters poor joint metabolism. Under optimal conditions, the risk of degenerative arthritis is doubled. Here are 3 tips to help prevent sarcopenia:

Eat more foods rich in vitamin D, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, milk, cheese, egg yolks, etc. Adequate sunlight is recommended to promote vitamin D production.

Eat more foods rich in vitamin D, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, milk, cheese, egg yolks, etc. Adequate sunlight is recommended to promote vitamin D production.

3 ways to prevent sarcopenia

1. Get high-quality protein

To prevent sarcopenia, we need to take a balanced intake of various foods, maintain an ideal body weight, and use more high-quality protein, that is, beans, fish, meat, eggs, milk and dairy products, but pay attention to less oil, less salt, and less sugar.

2. Vitamin D supplementation

Eat more foods rich in vitamin D, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, milk, cheese, egg yolks, etc. Adequate sunlight is recommended to promote vitamin D production.

3. Do cardio

Resistance training, core exercises, or cardio are recommended. Resistance exercise training such as: lifting dumbbells, elastic bands, stationary bicycles, etc., can help increase muscle strength and prevent muscle atrophy. The ideal frequency of exercise is 2-3 times a week, 30 minutes each time, with a rest period of 3-5 minutes between exercises, with the goal of reaching 150 minutes per week.

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