“Secondary Vocational” 5 teams of epidemic update Wei Quanlong, the remaining 1 person is quarantined-Free Sports

The remaining one of Wei Quanlong is in quarantine. (File photo, photo by reporter Chen Zhiqu)

[Reporter Gong Naijie/New Taipei Report]Today, the secondary vocational school reported a new positive case of the United Lions and CITIC Brothers. As for the first infected team of the secondary vocational school, Wei Quanlong, with a total of 19 players diagnosed, has gradually recovered. Team leader Ding Zhongwei It is pointed out that as of today, the remaining 1 player is still under home isolation, and some players have entered a period of self-management.

Lotte Taoyuan announced on the 12th that 4 members of the second army, including 3 players and 1 coach, were quickly screened positive. The team leader Pu Weiqing responded to the news today, 4 people were confirmed by PCR, and the other 2 players were separated. No new cases were added.

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CITIC Brothers announced today that Chen Zihao felt unwell in the morning and tested positive for a quick test. He immediately took an epidemic prevention taxi to the hospital in Taichung to undergo PCR, and then returned to the dormitory for isolation to wait for the results. The player currently under isolation is also diagnosed with Lu Yanqing.

In the unified lion part, outfielder Luo Weijie’s PCR result was confirmed to be positive, and 5 new quick-screen positive players were added today.

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