Self-confident young ignores sugar control 26-year-old sugar friend “second-degree retinopathy”-Instant News-Free Health Network

In addition to peripheral neuropathy and kidney disease, diabetic patients also suffer from eye disease. The picture is a situational photo, and the people in the picture have nothing to do with this article. (Photo provided / Lin Chunru)

Sentence / Junyo Hayashi

The 26-year-old Mr. Zhang has a history of diabetes. He believes that he is young and does not avoid food, which leads to poor blood sugar control, high glycosylated hemoglobin and high intraocular pressure in both eyes. He also suffered from vitreous hemorrhage in the right eye and glaucoma in both eyes. Unfortunately, after the treatment, he still failed to properly control his blood sugar. He also suffered from diabetic macular edema in the other eye, and his vision also deteriorated.

Proliferative diabetic retinopathy in both eyes

When Mr. Zhang went to the doctor, he first complained that his right eye had blurred vision and could not see clearly. He could only distinguish the number of fingers. After examination, the glycated hemoglobin was as high as 10.5 (the normal value is below 7), and the intraocular pressure in both eyes exceeded the normal value of 21 mmHg. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy in both eyes” combined with vitreous hemorrhage in the right eye and glaucoma in both eyes. After inquiries, I found out that I usually do not avoid it, which makes the blood sugar control unsatisfactory, and then causes eye diseases.

Please read on…

◎In addition to peripheral neuropathy and kidney disease, common eye diseases in diabetic patients are as follows:

●Glaucoma: Increased intraocular pressure, damage to the optic nerve, and loss of visual field.

●Refractive changes: Due to fluctuations in blood sugar, diabetic patients will change the light transmittance and convergence adjustment ability of the intraocular lens, resulting in intermittent blurred vision or eye fatigue.

● Cataracts: Diabetic patients are prone to cataracts earlier, resulting in cloudy and opaque crystals.

●Ophthalmoplegia: A small number of diabetic patients will have paralysis of the extraocular motor muscles due to cerebral neuropathy, and double vision will appear when they see things.

●Keratopathy: When diabetes is complicated with renal failure, phosphorus and calcium are unbalanced, and the cornea and conjunctiva will become inflamed, swollen and tingling due to sediment, which will affect vision.

●Diabetic retinopathy: Diabetes causes damage to the retinal microvascular wall. When the ischemic area expands, it will induce fragile and unhealthy new blood vessels, which are prone to vitreous hemorrhage and weaken vision.

Although Mr. Zhang was arranged to perform minimally invasive vitreous hemorrhage removal surgery in the right eye, the vision in the right eye also improved to 0.6, and he repeatedly told the patient to properly control the blood sugar in order to improve the condition of the right eye and maintain the vision of the left eye, but the patient did not care , When the next visit was checked, it was found that the glycosylated hemoglobin had soared to 12.1, which caused the left eye to be complicated by diabetic macular edema and decreased vision.

Diabetics do not properly control blood sugar, and eye lesions come to the door; the picture is a situational photo, and the patient in the picture has nothing to do with this article. (Photo provided / Lin Chunru)

Glaucoma + macular edema and vision deterioration

Since the health insurance provides vascular endothelial cell production factor inhibitor drugs, it is stipulated that the glycosylated hemoglobin must be less than 10 to be paid. If you want to use it, you can only pay for it at your own expense. .

Remind the public that in recent years, there have been breakthroughs and progress in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy through drugs or surgery. Only patients and doctors can cooperate and follow the doctor’s orders well, so as not to miss the opportunity for treatment, which not only damages health, but also causes tension between doctors and patients.

(The author is the deputy director of the Ophthalmology Center of Asia University Hospital and the chief physician of the Ophthalmology Center of the Hospital Affiliated to China Medical University)

Severe diabetic macular edema in the left eye. (Photo provided / Lin Chunru)

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