Shatha Hassoun What a bad insult from Elisa!

(MENAFN– Al-Anbaa)

Singer Shatha Hassoun revealed that there was a situation from the singer Elisa that happened between them in an interview at a restaurant in Beirut two months ago, which caused a dispute between them, and she said: It is shameful what you did with me and how she shouted in front of people, “Who is Shatha?”
Hassoun added on the “Unknown” program: “Someone is humiliating you in front of people, and what is supposed to be seen in front of me was who this person was, but thank God I was rational,” stressing that what Elissa did was an insult.
Shatha said, “I have been a fan of Elissa’s songs since I was young. I love some of her songs, but I am not looking for them to listen to them specifically.”


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