She bought a statue at a cheap price .. Then she discovered the “amazing surprise”

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Laura Young, an American antique dealer, acquired the sculpture for $35 from an antiques fair in Austin, New York. TexasBut she did not know that its history dates back to about two thousand years.

Laura says, the statue Carved from white marble, weighing 23 kilograms, it was on the floor under a display table, adding that it was clearly antique.

Later, Laura discovers through research that she has purchased a Julio-Claudian-era artifact, the embodiment of Nero’s politician and military leader Claudius Drusus.

She confirmed her discovery when she showed the statue’s photos and descriptions to friends at a London auction house, who had already confirmed its age.

It later emerged that the head statue was included in a 100-year-old record, issued by Art Museum German.

Experts believe that one of the soldiers participating in World War II was the one who brought the head statue from Germany to the United States.

It is expected that the statue will be displayed in the Museum of Art in San Antonio for one year, before returning it to Germany.

And the American woman admitted her feeling of"a bit of heartbreak" Because the statue will not remain in her possession, but she also confirmed that it is normal for the sculpture to return to its original place.


Laura Young, an American antique dealer, acquired the sculpture for $35 from an antiques fair in Austin, New York. TexasBut she did not know that its history dates back to about two thousand years.

Laura says, the statue Carved from white marble, weighing 23 kilograms, it was on the floor under a display table, adding that it was clearly antique.

Later, Laura discovers through research that she has purchased a Julio-Claudian-era artifact, the embodiment of Nero’s politician and military leader Claudius Drusus.

She confirmed her discovery when she showed the statue’s photos and descriptions to friends at a London auction house, who had already confirmed its age.

It later emerged that the head statue was included in a 100-year-old record, issued by Art Museum German.

Experts believe that one of the soldiers participating in World War II was the one who brought the head statue from Germany to the United States.

It is expected that the statue will be displayed in the Museum of Art in San Antonio for one year, before returning it to Germany.

The American woman admitted that she felt “a bit of heartbreak” because the statue would not remain in her possession, but she also emphasized that it was normal for the sculpture to return to its original place.

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