“Sheikh Mamdouh Amer: Response to Misunderstood Video of Joy Dancing and Singing to Umm Kulthum”

2023-05-27 20:56:00

Saturday, May 27, 2023 11:56 PM

Sheikh Mamdouh Amer sent a touching message to his fans about the circulating video of him dancing and singing in joy to the tune of Umm Kulthum.

Sheikh Mamdouh Amer said during a telephone interview with Al-Youm Al-Sabea TV: “I apologize to those who misunderstood the video of joy,” explaining that the blind person is affected more than others by the circumstances surrounding him and loves joy and humor.

And he continued: “God’s destiny and what he wanted to do, this is a brotherly joy, and this is the first joy for us after the death of my father a year and a half ago, and the joy was in it only the close ones and the family.”

And he added: “This is an oriental takht band, and there was chanting in it, and we used to sing respectful songs for Umm Kulthum, and there were the youth of our companions, and we were whispering, and I was in my nature.”

And he said: “There are things my children tell me not to do, Sheikh Mamdouh, so I respond to them and tell them: “What you are ashamed to do in public and do in secret, do not do it.” He continued: “The circumstances of my disability make me affected by anything around me, positively or negatively.”

In a related context, he said: “Sheikh Mustafa Ismail said that he used to listen to Umm Kulthum.”

#Mamdouh #Amer #Youm7 #apologize #misunderstood #video #joy

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