Should medical students be paid to present all the topics?

  • A user claimed on twitter something that has always been present in Mexican education; the LACK of preparation of the classes by the teachers.
  • Teachers leave students as “homework” to present the entire agenda for the year. So a user claimed that in that case, they should also be paid for giving the class.
  • What other mistakes do teachers make in medical practice?

A user claimed on twitter something that has always been present in Mexican education; the LACK of preparation of the classes by the teachers.

And it seems that it is something quite common in the enseñanza mexicanaand not only in the race doctor, that the teachers leave the students as a “homework” to present the entire syllabus of the year. So a user claimed that in that case, they should also be paid for giving the class.

What other mistakes do teachers make in medical practice?

1. Make the class a monologue

Gone are the days when the teaching-learning process was limited to sitting down to listen to the teacher dictate the class without making the slightest noise. students assume a active role in the process through dialogue and interaction with classmates and the teacher.

2. not listening to students

When planning a class, in addition to taking into consideration the syllabi and the context, it is necessary take students into account, especially their characteristics as well as their interests. In order to be clear about the above, it is necessary to listen to them and get to know them, this favors the establishment of an environment conducive to learning.

3. Avoid eye contact

This is a element key when giving a class, and one of the most difficult for teachers to develop, especially in those who are just starting out in the profession. Regardless of the level at which you work, the look is a non-verbal signal with which empathy and security are communicated. When visual contact with the students is avoided, they perceive doubt and discomfort, which is why a distance from the group is produced, and it can even result in indiscipline.

4. Break what is promised

One of the aspects that most undermines credibility and affects the image of teachers is not fulfilling what is promised, one must be very careful when setting, for example, a due date for a task, there is nothing more disappointing for a student than spending all night doing work that ends up not being reviewed.

This also goes in relation to the rules that are established from the beginning with the groupone must be cautious when elaborating them and avoid including those that it is known in advance that they cannot be fulfilled.

5. Let the conflicts grow

Any conflict between the students or between them and the teacher must be dealt with immediately; On many occasions, teachers minimize situations and when they want to solve the problem, it is already too big and they have to go to other instances. Therefore it is recommended that If a problem arises, it is taken care of from the moment it originates..

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