Should you drink water before bed? .. Experts answer

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Although drinking water on a daily basis is necessary for humans, most people do not drink the required amount, which leads to DroughtWhich, even if it is mild, affects the body and suffers from headache Andlack of focus, According to the site "Eating Well" Nutrition specialist.

Some try to compensate for this by drinking water before going to sleep.

The body gains a lot from drinking water before bed, so getting used to this helps people meet their bodies’ need for fluids during the last minutes of their day.

For others, water helps get better sleep, by allowing their bodies to sleep sweaty Keeping their bodies cooler and more comfortable, and maintaining a moderate temperature, since heat affects the body’s ability to sleep.

But there are downsides as well. Drinking several glasses of water before one goes to bed is not helpful, simply because it will make you wake up repeatedly, affecting the quality of sleep.

Experts see no evidence that drinking water right before bed may help them lose weight, in addition to that frequent awakening at night eliminates any supposed benefit. Bad sleep affects the hormones of hunger and satiety, making you feel very hungry during the day.

However, there is a relationship between drinking water and losing weight, but if you drink water at or around meal times.

The appropriate amount of water for a person before bed depends on several factors, including how much water he drinks throughout the day, the extent of his physical activities, the surrounding temperature and his size.

For a normal person, he needs the equivalent of one and a half cups of water, and the increase does not help because it means getting up at night and going to the bathroom. Experts say that all people are different from each other, but they can know the required amounts through indicators of moisture in their bodies and the quality of sleep they are going through.

Other than food, timing is less important for fluid intake, and spacing for water is very beneficial. To maintain weight and energy levels.


Although drinking water on a daily basis is necessary for humans, most people do not drink the required amount, which leads to DroughtWhich, even if it is mild, affects the body and suffers from headache Andlack of focus, According to the “Eating Well” website, which specializes in nutrition.

Some try to compensate for this by drinking water before going to sleep.

The body gains a lot from drinking water before bed, so getting used to this helps people meet their bodies’ need for fluids during the last minutes of their day.

For others, water helps get better sleep, by allowing their bodies to sleep sweaty Keeping their bodies cooler and more comfortable, and maintaining a moderate temperature, since heat affects the body’s ability to sleep.

But there are downsides as well. Drinking several glasses of water before one goes to bed is not helpful, simply because it will make you wake up repeatedly, affecting the quality of sleep.

Experts see no evidence that drinking water right before bed may help them lose weight, in addition to that frequent awakening at night eliminates any supposed benefit. Bad sleep affects the hormones of hunger and satiety, making you feel very hungry during the day.

However, there is a relationship between drinking water and losing weight, but if you drink water at or around meal times.

The appropriate amount of water for a person before bed depends on several factors, including how much water he drinks throughout the day, the extent of his physical activities, the surrounding temperature, and his size.

For a normal person, he needs the equivalent of one and a half cups of water, and the increase does not help because it means getting up at night and going to the bathroom. Experts say that all people are different from each other, but they can tell the required amounts through indicators of moisture in their bodies and the quality of sleep they are going through.

Other than food, timing is less important for fluid intake, and spacing for water is very beneficial. To maintain weight and energy levels.

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