Singer Glukoza Outraged Spectators with Strange Behavior at Concert: Video

Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova (Glukoza). Photo: Instagram* @glukozamusic

If you didn’t get enough sleep over the weekend before the work week, don’t despair – you’re not alone. Yesterday, a noticeably tired Glukoza went on stage in Krasnoyarsk and almost ruined the concert. As Mash reports, Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova was invited to perform in honor of Metallurgist’s Day, but the singer was clearly not in the mood for the holiday. Spectators said that the performer behaved extremely strangely and didn’t even try to hit the notes. Their words are confirmed by a video from the concert.


Glukoza on stage in Krasnoyarsk. Video: Telegram channel Mash

Glukoza on stage in Krasnoyarsk. Video: Telegram channel Mash

Well, I really want to believe that the reasons for such behavior are simple fatigue and lack of sleep, and not something more serious, as was the case with MakSim. Let us recall that last year the singer seriously scared her fans by barely holding on to the stage and having difficulty pronouncing words at her concerts. Soon the star admitted to alcohol addiction and told regarding treatment in a rehabilitation center.

* Banned in Russia.



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