“Soft vs Hard, which lens is right for me?”… ‘Contact lens’ 8 questions 8 answers [인터뷰]

Contact lenses are attached directly to the eye and are used for the main purpose of correcting vision in the case of nearsightedness or farsightedness. Since contact lenses are in direct contact with the cornea when worn, if the lens selection and prescription are wrong or neglected, side effects such as eye pain, redness, and keratitis may occur. Here is what contact lenses are for: Hyo-seok Lee, an ophthalmic consultant at Hidak (Bright Eye Clinic 21)is a one-to-one answer of

Q1. Which type of contact lens is right for me?
Soft lenses are the lenses of choice for people who want to wear lenses to correct refractive errors such as myopia, farsightedness, and astigmatism. This is because the material is soft, so there is little feeling of foreign body, and the adaptation period is short even when wearing the lens for the first time. However, if worn for a long time, foreign body sensation and redness may occur, and astigmatism above a certain level is not well corrected.

Hard lenses are made of materials with high oxygen permeability. It can be used for about a year and a half on average, and it does not put any strain on the eyes even if worn for a long time. However, if you wear it for the first time, it takes an average of 2 weeks to adapt. Also, if a foreign object such as dust gets into the eye while wearing it, it may temporarily cause a foreign body sensation and redness.

Dream Lens is a type of hard contact lens that is worn before going to sleep and when you wake up in the morning and take off your lenses, it provides clear vision during the day as if you had undergone a vision correction surgery such as LASIK or LASEK. A scleral lens is also a kind of hard lens, and is mainly used in cases where there is opacity in the cornea, or when the visual acuity is decreased due to various diseases of the cornea such as keratoconus, or when there is a high degree of astigmatism. If you want to correct your vision more than hard lenses and wear soft lenses, scleral lenses may be suitable.

Considering the above, you need to select the right lens type for you to maximize the effect and minimize the side effects.

Q2. Can all refractive errors such as astigmatism, myopia, and farsightedness be corrected with lenses?

The purpose of wearing lenses is to correct refractive errors such as myopia, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Generally, soft lenses are sufficient for correction, but it is recommended to wear hard lenses if you have more than moderate hyperopia, high myopia, or astigmatism.

Q3. If you wear lenses for a long time, the cornea becomes thinner.
There are reports that the thickness of the cornea becomes thinner in some wearers when wearing soft lenses for a long period of time, but most of them do not show a significant change.

Q4. Are circles or colored lenses harmful to your eyes?
Nowadays, the manufacturing process has been developed a lot, so even cosmetic lenses can be used for a long time without any major problems with the eyes. If you go to outpatient treatment, you may come to the doctor saying that you have eye problems due to colored contact lenses. Colored contact lenses are not just cosmetic products, but medical devices like general contact lenses. Therefore, products that have passed the appropriate approval standards must be prescribed and used according to the person’s eyes, and proper care must be taken after wearing them.

contact lenses
Q5. I’ve been using the 6-month-old lenses for a year, is that ok?
If the lens is worn for a long period of time, the shape of the lens may be damaged, oxygen permeability may be impaired, and deposits such as protein may be more likely to be trapped. Therefore, if you wear lenses with a fixed period of use for longer than the set period, it is good for your eye health to immediately change to a new one.

Q6. How should I store it when not in use for a long time?
If the lens is not to be used for a long period of time, the storage method will vary depending on the type of lens. When storing soft lenses for a long time, the preservation solution should be changed 2-3 days or once a week. Soft lenses are lenses that are difficult to store for a long period of time because the solution needs to be changed continuously. Therefore, it is recommended to use disposable lenses if you do not wear your lenses often or if you wear them for a long time.

In the case of hard lenses, when not in use for a long period of time, it is a principle to discard the preservative in the lens case and dry the lenses before storing them. If left immersed in the preservative solution for a long period of time, the lens may be deformed. To wear the lenses again, it is recommended to wash the preservative with saline and soak it for 6 hours before use. Wearing it on the eyes with the preservative solution on may cause side effects such as redness and irritation.

Q7. There is a difference in product price depending on the company. Is the more expensive the better?
In general, the longer the wear period, the thicker the lens, the better the material, and the higher the resistance to deformation. There is a price difference depending on the manufacturing method, function, oxygen permeability, material, etc., but it is not the best product just because it is unconditionally expensive. It is recommended that you consult with an ophthalmologist to decide which product is best for you, considering several factors such as how long you use your lenses and for what purpose you use them.

Q8. Why are you told not to wear contact lenses for a certain period of time before receiving vision correction surgery?
Wearing soft or hard lenses temporarily changes the shape of the cornea, which may result in inaccurate test results. Therefore, when performing a detailed examination related to vision correction surgery, it is necessary to undergo the examination without wearing lenses for a certain period of time.

Help = Hidak Consulting Doctor Hyo-seok Lee (Ophthalmologist at Bright Eye 21 Clinic)

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